Odd Socks Day

Odd Socks Day at The Leigh Academy

At The Leigh we have recently participated in Anti-Bullying fortnight. The challenges of the last 18 months have underlined how even little acts of consideration can break down barriers and brighten the lives of the people around us. This is one of the reasons that ‘One Kind Word’ was the theme chosen for our Anti-Bullying Fortnight that took place from 15th to 26th of November 2021.

Students benefited from assemblies and tutor time activities where bullying and its impact was discussed with the clear zero tolerance strategy highlighted as well as the ways to report any concerns. Students discussed how to best support their peers and look out for younger students within our Leigh family.

The highlight of the fortnight was Odd Socks Day, when staff and students wore odd socks as a way to raise awareness that we are all different, we all make up our diverse, yet inclusive community. We even had a competition with entries to decide whose socks were whose!

Students reported that the themed fortnight allowed positive conversations and actions about hope and all the kind words and actions we can take to halt any hurtful behaviour in its tracks.