Year 7 Criminal Exploitation Workshop

Refocus - Year 7 Criminal Exploitation Workshop

The Year 7 students were recently visited by Lennox Rogers as part of his ‘Criminal Exploitation prevention’ workshop. The Leigh Academy has previously worked with Lennox and his presentations include hard hitting but essential facts about the risks around county lines, gangs and drugs. The workshops provided a clear and startling message in regards to how to avoid being manipulated into situations and staying safe in the local community.

The feedback was really positive from the students who all felt they had learned a very clear message in terms of being coerced into potentially serious situations in the future. The students enjoyed the interactive sessions and were also able to ask questions and solve real life scenarios that Lennox had previously supported to help young victims of exploitation.

As part of the Healthy Minds programme at The Leigh Academy, the students participate in activities around the RSE topic of Drugs as well as the link to county lines, knife crime and gangs. Lennox was able to support the programme with his real life scenarios and excellent presentation to the students.

Lennox and the Refocus team will be back in the new year to work with our older students when it comes to making the correct choices around criminal exploitation, drugs gangs and the risk around county lines.

Mr. S. Lindars - Head of Darwin College