London to Brighton Bike Ride for Charity

Serving others: Post-16 students Joseph Rose and Harry Baldock

IBCP students must complete at least 50 hours of community service as part of their programme and two of our Post-16 students - Joseph Rose and Harry Baldock - decided that they would set themselves the enormous challenge of training for and completing the London to Brighton charity bike ride in September for their Service Learning. They spent lockdown months and their summer holiday in training, increasing their stamina and lengthening the distance they could cycle to be ready to cover the 54 mile route, which includes some very challenging uphill stretches designed to test even the most experienced cyclists. Both boys found the day itself physically and psychologically challenging but both successfully made it to the end, with Joseph completing the ride in just over 5 hours and Harry in just over 7 hours. Joseph was cycling in aid of Heart Research UK and Harry was doing so for Help for Heroes. Between them, they have raised nearly £1000 so far and if you would like to help them further you can donate via their Just Giving pages:



We are all incredibly proud of their achievement and the massive commitment they have shown to Service Learning. Well done, Joseph and Harry!

Mr. L. Forcella-Burton - Director of Learning for Post-16

The route taken by Joseph and Harry