Royal Mail Stamp Competition

Guinness World Record

During last year BR4 entered a Royal Mail competition to design a new stamp as part of a collection with the theme of "Honouring the heroes of the pandemic... on a stamp".

All children in the UK aged 4 to 14 years old were entitled to take part, and there was a record number of entries for this competition.

Although none of our students gained a prize this time, over 606,000 students entered the competition from over 7500 schools, which then led to Royal Mail choosing 120 winners to go through to the next round where they will choose 24 designs to then narrow down to 8 which will be made into a set of stamps. The designs received celebrated heroes including NHS workers, parents, carers, refuse collectors, cleaning staff, teachers, supermarket workers, public transport staff, delivery drivers and postmen and postwomen.

Congratulations to all the students who entered, as their designs contributed towards a GUINNESS WORLD RECORD™ title for the largest postage stamp design competition, which meant they all received a certificate to show they had contributed towards this achievement.

Simon Thompson, Royal Mail CEO, said: “We would like to thank all of the 606,049 children who submitted such brilliant designs to the competition. We have been humbled by the sheer volume of entries. And to have achieved a Guinness World Records title in the process shows how much the UK’s children value those heroes who have kept the nation moving during such a difficult period. To the 120 Regional Finalists – Well Done! We are really looking forward to seeing the winning eight designs!”

Mrs. H. Chidgey - Teacher of D&T and Year 8 Tutor