da Vinci College Update.

Da Vinci college - Module 1 and 2

It is hard to believe that we have reached Christmas once again and it’s been a real privilege in Modules 1 and 2 to see da Vinci students continue to push themselves to achieve despite the ongoing pandemic concerns and restrictions.

We started this academic year with an assembly based on Leonardo da Vinci to remind ourselves of the significant contributions he made to the world, and the attributes that led us to name the college after him. Da Vinci was a polymath - an expert across many different fields including art and maths, as well as a caring human being who would buy caged animals in markets just so he could set them free. He is the type of person we would like da Vinci students to aspire to emulate in terms of his desire to never stop learning, combined with a compassionate approach to all things living.

I have been lucky enough to have conversations with many parents since September. Year 7 and 11 have had their Information Evening in Module 1, and Year 8 and 10 had theirs in Module 2. Thank you to those who managed to attend - it was fantastic to be able to actually welcome parents into the building again, albeit with face masks and 2m apart! Year 9 have a very important 2 Modules ahead with Parent-Teacher day at the end of Module 3 and GCSE options in Module 4. I look forward to working with you as always in making these key decisions for your child as they prepare for GCSEs from September 2022. Post-16 students are also a valuable component of da Vinci college, and Year 13 students are making great progress with their UCAS applications, while Year 12 have recently also had a Parent-Teacher event. We will continue to support these students through to their exams in the summer, and their ‘next step’ decisions beyond that.

I look forward to welcoming all da Vinci students back in January and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year.

Mr K. Brewer - Head of College - da Vinci