Year 7 Football News


The excitement to join the football team from the students was evident from the first trial day where we had over 60 students attend the session!

There were many factors to consider when selecting the students for the academy team, not just talent, but also interpersonal skills and our academy values. With this in mind, we are fortunate enough as an academy to have numerous talented players and as a result, we were able to select a strong group of boys to form a squad of 18 students.

The first few weeks of actual training were very successful. Attentiveness, critical thinking and teamwork are vital attributes for a successful team and we are very fortunate to have all three of these components.

This has transferred into the team's current successes. Our first game ended in an 11-1 victory against Wilmington Academy. The scoreline does not flatter the quality of football the boys played; organisation, communication and teamwork all played their part. Despite being held at 1-1 until the second half, the team assessed the situation and came up with solutions to enable a win.

Our second game ended as a 10-0 victory vs Orchards Academy. Again, double figures and a great achievement! Despite having a squad rotation of a few players, the standard of football remained the same as the boys continued to maintain our team values of being attentive, being critical thinkers and utilizing teamwork.

As we progress through the league and into the knockout rounds, I am sure the team will face different challenges, we will need players to stand out and make an impact.

We will continue to train in preparation for our fixtures after christmas and go into each game with a nil-nil mentality and aim to let our style of football dominate the opposition.

Mr. R. Nestfield - Teacher of ICT and Year 7 Football Team Coach