Post-16 Update

Year 12 Induction

We were delighted to be able to welcome Year 12 to the Post-16 family back in September. All students arrived, smartly dressed and ready to take on the challenges of Post-16 study. They were given their timetables and Mr Forcella-Burton welcomed everyone and gave an overview of what they could expect from the next 2 years. Miss Marshall took them through the PARADE standards and talked about the expectations that come with being a Post-16 student. Miss Maxwell then gave a presentation on well-being and the importance of looking after yourself. Mrs Shepley finished off with some study skills before students took all this new information and launched into their lessons!

Year 12 students have made a great start to the year and we are looking forward to meeting their parents and carers on 8th December for parent-teacher day.

Post-16 Open Evening

On Wednesday 17th November, we opened our doors to prospective Post-16 students and their parents and carers. It was lovely to speak to all the Year 11 students who are so excited to start planning the next phase of their education. Everyone said how informative the event was and this is thanks to all the staff who put together such fantastic displays and shared their subject knowledge and their Post-16 student volunteers. Thank you to all the staff and students who helped make this evening such a great success. Leigh Academy students can apply for their place in our Post-16 using their Kent Choices log in and further information about applying can be found on the homepage of the academy website.


We really value the wellbeing of our students and pride ourselves on building great relationships in order to be able to fully support our young people. We have introduced ‘Huddle’, an open group for all our Post-16 students to come and share what’s going on in their lives (good or bad) over a hot drink and some snacks, in a supportive environment. It has been a great opportunity for students to offload any concerns and allows us as a team to tailor any interventions or additional support that might be needed. Year 12 Huddle takes place at 1.30pm on Mondays and Year 13 Huddle takes place at 1.30pm on Fridays, both in the Study Centre, all students are welcome.

Dee Bleakley visit

After such a successful session before the summer holidays, we couldn’t wait to invite motivational speaker Dee back to share his wisdom with both Year 12 and Year 13. As ever, his engaging personality captivated our students and Year 13 surprised themselves with their solutions to some physical and mental challenges. We look forward to continuing to work with Dee and making his visits a regular addition to the Post-16 calendar.

Mr. L. Forcella-Burton - Director of Learning for Post-16