
Goodbye and Good Luck

The Media Department said goodbye to its Year 11 and 13 exam classes for 2024 in Module 6.

Both groups worked incredibly hard during the module, completing any remaining coursework including film productions or print media design and preparing for final exams.

It was a pleasure to teach the classes , experiencing their willingness to learn and fantastic work ethic throughout. 

Good luck to them on the August results day!

Taster Sessions

The Media Department hosted its Year 11 into Year 12 taster sessions.

We welcomed a number of potential new students into the Media Suite and delivered a lesson on Mise-en-scene. Students interacted with video resources, film trailers and even had the chance to analyse using media language for the first time!

The session ended with a breakout discussion in small groups and a question/answer forum in which students could ask questions in preparation for Year 12.