Mandela College

A warm welcome for 2024 - 2025 to Ms Marshall and Miss Hooper

Ms Marshall will be joining us as Assistant Head of College for Mandela from Module 1. We would also like to welcome Miss Hooper as our Student Support Officer.

Good Bye Year 11

Year 11 have had a really busy few months, working hard and completing their GCSE and BTEC examinations. We are proud of how hard they have worked, and look forward to seeing them for results day on Thursday 22nd August!

It was lovely to welcome them back to the academy for their final leavers' assembly, and share the laughter (and tears), as we took a trip back down memory lane to 2019, and watched how they have grown, both in size, but also in confidence as well. 

It was also wonderful to see so many of them looking absolutely stunning and so joyful at their Year 11 Leavers' Prom on 27th June. 

We are so proud of them and look forward to the next stage of their educational journey!

Sports' Day Success!

If ever there is a live example of Mandela students showcasing the three R's of "Respect", "Resilience" & "Responsibility", as well as showcasing the IB Learner Profiles, Sport's Day is it.

Mandela students came together as one and supported each other so well, to win the Sports' Day Trophy for the first time in 16 years!

There were so many individual stand out performances, but to watch the college pull together to encourage and support each other, stepping in to replace ill or injured friends, and also to see some of you step out of your comfort-zone to compete, was truly wonderful to see! Well done to you all.

A Huge Thank You

To Mr. Bradley, who has worked tirelessly to support our Mandela students. He will be missed greatly. He will be continuing in his role as a history teacher within the academy, and we know he will be watching the college continue to progress, very closely. We would also like to say thank you to Miss Warren, who will be moving to Shakespeare College as Student Services Officer.

We would like to wish all of our college team, tutors, students and their families a wonderful and relaxing summer break. Thank you for all your support this academic year and we look forward to seeing everyone in September.