
Well done to our top Seacole students in Module 6!

As we reach the end of another academic year, it is a pleasure to highlight and reward our high achieving students who have accumulated the most League of Excellence points in Module 6. These students have flourished in terms of attendance, punctuality, quality of work and exhibiting the Middle Years Programme Learner Profile characteristics that we strive for all of our students to display on a day to day basis. We are very proud of their achievements and hopefully they will go from strength to strength in the next academic year!

Year 7:

Gold: Emily  (467 points)

Silver: Kaydee  and Emily  (393 points)

Bronze: Maksym  (386 points)

Year 8:

Gold: Hadyn  (426 points)

Silver: Halina  (360 points)

Bronze: Lisbet and Litsa  (328 points)

Year 9:

Gold: Tommy  (415 points)

Silver: Supriya  (343 points)

Bronze: Ayotemi  (296 points)

Year 10:

Gold: Emily  (283 points)

Silver: Neve  (259 points)

Bronze: Grace  (240 points)

Literacy awards:

Gold: Joe  (120 points)

Silver: Hadyn  (80 points)

Bronze: Grace  (70 points) and Billy  (70 points)

Year 11 Seacole Leavers event - Friday 21st June 2024

The Year 11 Leavers event on Friday 21st June was a special day and a wonderful way to say thank you and goodbye to a fabulous cohort of students. There was time to reflect on their Induction Day back in July 2019, and also time to remember life in their Covid bubble through Year 7 and Year 8. It is fair to say they had an eventful time when they started their education with us in da Vinci college (as it was known then) but the character and resilience they have developed through those challenging days has served them well as they moved through the years towards their GCSE examinations. I look forward to seeing them all again on GCSE results day on Thursday 22nd August, and hopefully many of them again in September in The Leigh Academy Post-16.

Seacole College leadership 2024-25

September 2024 will see Seacole College return with a new leadership structure. I look forward to welcoming Mrs Michelle Bonthron as Assistant Head of College and I have no doubt the college will continue to flourish with her appointment. Mrs Bonthron is an English specialist and also comes to us with a vast range of leadership experience including roles such as Head of Year and Head of Department. 

Mrs Bonthron's appointment sadly means that we lose Mrs Morgan from Seacole College in September as Mrs Morgan becomes Assistant Head of College in Curie, replacing Mr Williams. I would like to personally thank Mrs Morgan for her support in Seacole College this year, and I have no doubt her boundless energy and drive for the highest standards possible from all students will continue in her new role.