Reward Trips

A wonderful, fun filled day for out League of Excellence Winners

Thorpe Park

Thorpe Park is always a popular trip destination for students and tickets are hard to come by, but this year has been different. Instead of offering the trip to all students, Thorpe Park was available for the top 15 League of Excellence students in each year group, in each college, only; ninety students selected Thorpe Park (the rest selecting Adventure Island) and set off on Thursday 18th July. We felt it was really important to recognise the exemplary work of our League of Excellence winners and give them something extra special to remember.

The students had a wonderful day, filling up on all sorts of junk food as well as spinning and being upside down on rides such as Stealth, Colossus and The Saw. Quite how the food remained in students' stomachs is unfathomable! Lots of cuddly prizes also made their way home with staff and students alike!

Adventure Island Southend

This year's alternative to Thorpe Park was Adventure Island in Southend-on-Sea. Another popular destination for those with hearts of steel, students found themselves testing their ability to stomach heights on Vertigo, City Wheel and Axis, and also the ability to keep hold of the content of their stomachs on Archelon, Rage and The Screature.

Everyone had a great time making fantastic memories, that we are sure they will treasure for years to come.