
SPARX Achievements

The Leigh Academy is celebrating a significant achievement! We have secured the top spot for Year 11 Sparx homework completion rate across the entire Trust. This accomplishment highlights The Leigh Academy's commitment to using Sparx to facilitate independent learning and empower students to take charge of their mathematical success. 

Junior Maths Challenge: Leigh Academy Champions Rise to the Challenge!

This year's Junior Maths Challenge saw a record-breaking number of Leigh academy mathematicians put their problem-solving skills to the test! Over 120 students from Year 7 and Year 8 participated, making it our most successful year ever.

A Journey of Challenge and Growth:

In April, students were invited to take part in the online competition. Year 7 students, new to the challenge, and Year 8 veterans with a year of experience, were all encouraged to embrace this opportunity to develop their problem-solving techniques. Participation was entirely optional, and teachers emphasised that the well-being of students was paramount.

A Supportive and Inspiring Community:

Approximately 85 students bravely accepted the challenge. They joined a virtual Google Classroom, a central hub for practice papers, revision tips, and resources. Witnessing the Year 8 students patiently guide and answer questions for their Year 7 peers was a truly heartwarming display of our community's caring spirit.

Record Numbers and Rising Stars:

The culmination of all the hard work came on Thursday, April 25th. The Leigh Academy Lecture Theatre buzzed with excitement as a record 120 students tackled the Junior Maths Challenge. This surge in participation highlights a growing culture of challenge-seeking and academic excellence at The Leigh Academy. Some students, inspired by their peers, even sought permission to join the competition on the day itself!

Celebrating Success:

The wait for results was nerve-wracking, but the wait was truly worth it! The Leigh Academy achieved some of its best results ever, with a combined total of 18 Bronze Awards and 9 Silver Awards! We would like to extend a huge congratulations to all the participants, particularly our Top Achievers:

Bronze Awards:

Silver Awards:

A Team Effort:

The success of this event would not be possible without the dedication of several groups:

Looking Forward:

The Junior Maths Challenge has been a fantastic opportunity for our students to develop their problem-solving skills, build confidence, and experience the joy of mathematical exploration. We look forward to even greater participation and success next year!