
A round up of everything Drama focused in Module 6 

Year 7

In Module 6 we have been focusing on voice - changes in vocal tone, pitch, pace and volume are key in communicating a person's identity and relationships with others and the audience. We have studied people/characters such as Phil Mitchell, David Attenborough, Dwayne Johnson and the Queen, to name a few, exploring their characteristics and what makes their voice unique. We also explored the skills of voice actors. The students had fun working on a scene from Toy Story 4 demonstrating techniques they have learnt throughout the year. 

Year 8

In Module 5 students created their own anti bullying adverts, please see some examples below.

In Module 6, we have been focusing on physical theatre - asking the question - how does physical theatre enhance a performance? We have explored ‘Frantic Assembly’ a very famous physical theatre company and their techniques: round by through, hymns hands and chair duet. The students have displayed many skills such as teamwork, confidence, trust, leadership and many more. 

Anti Bullying advert (23 May 2024 at 09_48).mov
Y8 chair duet

Year 9

In Module 6, we have been looking at social issues and their effect on individuals and society. From addiction, racism, sexual orientation and mental illness, the students have explored ways in which theatre can tackle prejudice and discrimination. As an end of module task the students created their own advert/short film based on their chosen issue.

Year 10

In Module 6 students have completed component 1 - exploring the performing arts which is worth 30% of their overall grade. We have also looked at component 2 and 3 which the students will officially start in Year 11. 

Year 11 and 13

Congratulations to our Year 11 and Year 13 students who have successfully completed their courses!

Musical Theatre Club

Every Tuesday from 3.15pm-4.15pm, we run an extra-curricular club, and this year our focus has been musical theatre.

The students have been creating their own show 'Wars in Wonderland' which they wrote, cast and directed themselves.

The students also participate in acting, singing and dancing classes. All years are welcome