
Enrichment Week

During enrichment week, Years 7, 8 and 9 students have had a range of experiences which have delighted and astounded! From a robotics session, a Macbeth performance, languages and calligraphy, PSHE Gang/County Lines, trips to London and performances from the singer Zina Win; all students have made memories and learned invaluable lessons in how to be safe and successful. 

Macbeth Performance

The Globe Players created a wonderfully tense atmosphere in our Lecture Theatre with a thoroughly enjoyable, if gruesome and bloody, performance of the Scottish Play.  The performance links to the English MYP curriculum as Year 8 have studied Macbeth this year, so it has really consolidated everything they have learned about the famous play. Students continue their studies of Shakespeare's plays with Julius Caesar in Year 9 and Romeo and Juliet in Year 10, as part of the GCSE English Literature course. 

There were lots of 'ooohhhs' and 'aaahhhs' during the performance and some laughing during the Porter scene, where one of the players made their way right into the heart of the Year 8 audience.

The running commentary from the Globe Players really helped with clarifying some of the weirder aspects of the play and did not detract from the entertainment vlaue at all

Robotics and Coding

Students were immersed in the world of STEM when they were tasked with constructing a car out of Lego and program it to navigate a track. Students were given an Ipad with the instructions on it and were then tasked with the complicated Krypton Factor like challenge of putting all the tiny pieces and electronic parts together. We have some very talented STEM students who excelled at the task and other students' interest in STEM subjects was definitely piqued!

PSHE County Lines Session with Refocus

This session warned our students of the dangers of becoming mixed up in gangs,  county lines and drugs. The session was hard hitting and pulled few punches, leaving students in no doubt of the consequences of making the wrong choices as they grow into young adults. Students heard about the tragic real life experiences of ex gang members, which was shocking and thought-provoking.

Students engaged well with the team delivering the session and were treated to some rap music by one of the presenters.

Languages and Calligraphy

This term, the MFL department hosted a series of enrichment sessions designed to broaden student horizons and ignite their passion for languages. These interactive workshops, led by our dedicated MFL teachers, provided students with a taste of both Arabic and Mandarin Chinese, piquing their interest in these fascinating cultures.

The sessions focused on introducing students to the fundamentals of each language, delving into basic greetings and the unique writing systems employed in Arabic and Mandarin. This exposure not only equipped students with practical communication skills but also served as a springboard for exploring the rich tapestry of these cultures.

These MFL enrichment sessions resonated deeply with the IB MYP Learner Profile, fostering the development of several key attributes. The act of exploring new languages encouraged students to become inquirers, actively questioning and seeking knowledge about different communication styles and cultural nuances. The sessions also nurtured open-mindedness, as students embraced the unfamiliar sounds and structures of these languages, appreciating the beauty of diversity.

Furthermore, the workshops fostered communication skills, albeit on a basic level. Students gained the confidence to introduce themselves and exchange greetings in Arabic and Mandarin, a valuable skill that can bridge cultural divides and open doors to new friendships. Perhaps most importantly, the sessions ignited a sense of cultural awareness in our students. By engaging with these languages, students gained a deeper understanding of the values, traditions, and customs inherent in Arabic and Chinese cultures.

The positive impact of these sessions was palpable. Students displayed a genuine enthusiasm for the MFL enrichment activities, actively participating in greetings practice and demonstrating a keen interest in the writing systems. The buzz around the sessions was infectious, with students eager to share their newfound knowledge with classmates and teachers alike.

The MFL department is thrilled with the success of these enrichment sessions. By igniting a spark of curiosity and fostering a spirit of cultural exploration, these workshops have empowered our students to take their first steps on their journey towards becoming well-rounded global citizens. We look forward to building upon this momentum and offering even more exciting language exploration opportunities in the future.

Zina Win

We were delighted to welcome singer/songwriter Zina Win-Lemmers to our school during Enrichment week on Tuesday. Zina spoke to our Year 8 students in rotation, giving live performances of some of her songs, offering careers advice and overcoming barriers to becoming successful and happy. Our year 8 students really enjoyed the session and girls especially wanted to take photos with Zina. 

Zina is a singer song writer who discusses important issues: the importance of working hard at school, why education is so important, how it impacts life after school and the options pupils have after school as well as discussing her own personal stories and achievements. The talk was very uplifting and encouraged pupils to work hard and reach for their goals. This was all linked to mental health and resilience and the possible causes of mental health problems. Zina spoke about a time when she has had her own mental health issues, she shared who to turn to for help and the importance of speaking up. Students all happily queued at the end for a signed postcard!

Tate Modern Trip

Year 9 were incredibly lucky to be offered the opportunity to see some of the most famous works of art at the Tate Modern. Artists such as Jackson Pollock, Tracy Emin and Claude Monet delighted the students with their unique pieces and provoked many discussions about the meanings of the pieces.

Following the visit to the Tate, students explored the Southbank, taking in views of St Paul's Cathedral, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre and the OXO tower.

The trip was wonderfully educational and allowed students to expand their experiences of art works and a geographically and aesthetically pleasing famous area of London.

Imperial War Museum Trip

One hundred and thirty Year 9 students braved SouthEastern rail to make the journey to The Imperial War Museum. As History students, this trip was invaluable in developing students' understanding of war over many periods of time. Whilst at the museum students accessed the different floor levels which housed information about different wars, from level one which was all about World War 1 and the conditions the soldiers lived in, and the uniforms they wore to level 4 where students were informed about more recent conflicts.

This experience will be invaluable for students in Year 9 as they embark on their GCSE studies from September.

Greenwich Observatory Trip

Students in Year 7 visited Greenwich Park and the surrounding area. It was a lovely sunny day. Here is a fantastic group-photo of the Shakespeare College students. Students walked from school and took the train, bright and early. They enjoyed the journey and went to different locations throughout the day, including: The Greenwich Maritime Museum, The Queen's House Gallery, The Cutty Sark, The Island Garden via tunnel and the Royal Observatory viewpoint. 


Kent Fire Safety Talk - Arson

Kent Fire Brigade talked through the risks and consequences of arson. The students were engaged and learned a lot about keeping themselves safe, including how to extract themselves from a situation they feel uncomfortable with, where there is a danger to life.  Hopefully, all of our students have been sensible enough to listen, and learn how to protect themselves, others and property from the dangers of arson.

Online Safety

During 'Safe-Leigh Day', students in Year 7, 8 and 9 were invited to reflect on the topic of being safe online. 

There are lessons like these in our one hour per week Healthy Minds lessons throughout the year and there are themes and activities within tutor time  that also relate to these themes. However, as the virtual world  has become more rather than less entwined with being safe  in general, it was important that some key issues around online safety be delivered too.

Year 7 delved into the fears of online grooming and false identities.

Year 8 considered the ways in which they can remain in control of the somewhat uncontrollable social media platforms that are synonymous with emotional hardship.

Year 9 discussed and explored what rewarding relationships are like and how to set boundaries with friendships online. 

Buckle Up for Safety: Road Safety Talk Inspires Students!

During enrichment week, we were lucky to have Emma, a 'safer roads' expert from Kent County Council, speak to our students about the importance of road safety.

The talk was packed with eye-opening Kent specific statistics around the number of accidents involving students aged 11-13. Naturally, being this really hit home for many students. 

Emma emphasised several key points to help students stay safe, whether they're walking, cycling, or riding as passengers: