
GCSE Operations

As we approached the end of year exams this June, Year 10 Business students spent some class time focusing on the methods of production operations available to firms. We ran a production line with job and flow production, whereby learners worked in teams to create excellent sweet boxes, just in time for the module break.

As part of the AQA GCSE, students complete work looking at: Business in the real world, External influences, Human resources and Operations. This ensures our GCSE students are ready to tackle paper 1 of 2 at the end of Year 10. 

Year 11 starts with Marketing and Finance, in time for Paper 1 AND 2 Mock exams. And we revisit the Topics 1 through 6 in the run up for next June finals. All 3 business groups are working increasingly more effectively, and we're so proud to have students arrive for lesson ready to learn, with charged Chromebooks and clear objectives for the lessons - even as the sun breaks free for the start of summer.

UK Winners

See Design Technology pages for more details. We are super proud of the efforts of Team Firefly.

2024 winners of the Landsec Made In UK Finals is…..The Leigh Academy (Kent)!

Team "Firefly" immersive light show, VR experience, and sensory room was a unique idea to use the space. Team Firefly opted to use their unit as a sensory escape from a busy shopping centre environment, full of super immersive tech, virtual reality experiences-like stepping into an alternate reality.

In-house inspiration

Year 12 Business students have wrapped up a productive year completing the gruelling Marketing Exam, as well as producing a series of in-depth research projects into a profit-making business and non-profit organisation of their choice.

Many learners have shown excellent development of their research skills and presentation standards from their starting point on Unit 1 in January.

The final assignment involves a detailed and scripted presentation into the impact of innovation and enterprise on one of their chosen businesses. With the end of year Art show in full swing in the studios, we took an hour out to explore the visual themes piquing their peers interest and looked for inspiration into presenting ideas in a visually stimulating manner.

Examples of some of the BTEC slides designs below. 

IB Business Management

This class has completed content and introduced Year 12 students to the world of Big Business, Marketing & Human Resources. Students have been enthusiastic this term about completing their mock exams. Students are now focusing on their IA (Internal assessment). This is an opportunity for our young business brains to develop their inquirer skills and apply the business knowledge they have learned by creating a report highlighting one of the key concepts for big business.

Class activities include company research, mini-projects, debates (pictured) and exam question & feedback. All students are using Kognity and ThinkIB platforms to enhance their understanding of the IB World of Business view.