
Unveiling the Wonders of Curie: What Have Our Students Achieved in Modules 5 & 6?

Curie College Rocks: A Winning Module!

This term has been a whirlwind of success for Curie College! Not only did we successfully compete in multiple sports days including across the trust.  We also had a shining star athlete Imogen who brought home the honour of the 'outstanding athlete award' for Year 9 girls. Let's celebrate these incredible achievements!

Curie Takes the Crown (Twice!)

A huge shout-out to all our fantastic Curie students! We've managed to secure the coveted titles for both Most Rewards points for both Module 5 & 6 and Most Literacy points across the colleges. This impressive double win is a testament to their hard work, dedication, and positive attitude. Keep up the fantastic spirit, Curie!

These achievements are a reflection of the incredible Curie community. From fostering a supportive and positive learning environment to encouraging students to excel in all areas, Curie College is dedicated to helping you reach your full potential.

We're incredibly proud of each and every one of you, and we can't wait to see what amazing things you achieve next term! Keep shining, Curie!

It's time to announce a new college leadership team for Curie college as Ms Maxwell moves to be Head of College at Shakespeare. 

Please see the college team photo included here in the newsletter for details of the changes. 

Ms Maxwell has loved every moment of being the Head of Curie college and will still follow the students' progress closely.