
UCAS Discovery

We were lucky enough to secure tickets for the UCAS Discovery event again this year, giving Year 12 the opportunity to really start thinking about their options for Post-18. 

The event is held at the Kent Event Centre, with over 100 universities in attendance for students to ask about courses, entry requirements and student life. 

There are also talks on student finance, how to apply to university and write your personal statement. 

It is always exciting to see which new courses are on offer, as universities respond to societal and economical changes. 

Who knew you could take a degree in wine making?!

Year 13 IB Results

On Monday 8th July, we welcomed back Year 13 students to collect their IB subject results.  Despite it only being a few weeks since most of them finished their exams, it was lovely to see our students again and celebrate the first round of results, before the A-Level and BTEC results are released in August. 

Congratulations to everyone who achieved some amazing grades, we are really proud of all of you!

Year 13 Leavers' Event

Another year has sped by and we took time to say goodbye to our latest cohort of Year 13 students, who have made it through the final stage of their secondary school journey. 

It is always lovely to gather the whole year group together, along with all the staff who have supported them, to celebrate all the hard work they have put in during their time in Post-16.  We wish all our Year 13 students the very best for whatever they have chosen to do next, and look forward to celebrating again on results days.

Ask Apprenticeships

We are committed to offering our students a range of options when it comes to choosing their Post-18 pathway. Ask Apprenticeships are one of the leading providers for apprenticeship support and we were lucky enough to be able to host a session for a group of Year 12 students who indicated that this might be their preference, once they have completed their Post-16 studies. 

Students were given the opportunity to take part in a simulation of an apprenticeship selection process, and worked in small groups to develop their communication, co-operation and interview skills.  

When students return to Year 13, the focus of tutor time will be placed on applying to UCAS and apprenticeships, as well as developing skills to write CVs, applications and personal statements. 

Young Drivers' Course

Year 12 students have been spending some of their tutor periods learning about road and driver safety. As many of our students begin to take driving lessons and make journeys with friends who are new drivers, we felt it was important for them to have a clear picture on what it means to not only be a safe and responsible driver, but also how to feel safe and speak up as a passenger. The KCC Road Safety Team have also been in to deliver a session directly to students and answer any questions they had. 

Student Leadership Team

We are delighted to introduce our new Student Leadership Team, with Matilda and Jimmy leading the group as Head Girl and Head Boy. The team have already proved to be invaluable, helping at taster days for new Year 12 students, open mornings for Year 5 and welcoming our new youngest students at Year 6 transition day.  They have worked incredibly hard so far and we can't wait to work with them on more projects as we move into the new academic year. 

Taster Days

Each year we offer prospective Year 12 students the opportunity to come and try out the subjects they would like to study at Post-16. This year was as successful as ever, with overwhelmingly positive feedback from all the students who attended. Not only do students get the chance to get a feel for the subjects they will study, they also had time to meet new friends, talk to the Student Leadership Team and Attenborough Staff, as well as find out more about our IBCP programme.  A big thank you to everyone who made the two days run so smoothly. 

Year 12 Work Experience 

Earlier in the module, two of our leadership team students ventured to London to participate in a law work experience day.  This gave them the opportunity to meet with different types of lawyers, and ask them questions about the profession. Both students agreed that this was very informative, and allowed them to discover the different paths they can take towards their future career. 

Mote Park Trip

In one final big event to end the year, the Attenborough team took all of Year 12 to Mote Park for the annual college trip. Students and staff usually enjoy a day at the adventure park, but this year took to the water instead. Students (and staff!) got to have a go at rowing and then on the pedalos, which proved to be hilarious to watch.  This was followed by group games and lunch, before heading home for a good rest! The students were an absolute credit to us, really working as a team and behaving so impeccably that the water sports team said they were a pleasure to host.