University of Greenwich STEM Project

STEM Project

The report ‘Secondary Education and Engineering’ produced by Engineering UK highlighted the need to raise academic attainment in KS4 to be able to tackle the STEM skills shortage. The report recognises the decline of GCSE entries for both Engineering and Design and Technology which contributes to students having a limited range of learning experienceswhich are linked to STEM.

The Leigh Academy worked alongside experts from KMPF and Greenwich University to design and deliver a series of sessions with the intention to engage, advance and enlighten a group of students. There were three, two-hour long sessions with the team which will be followed by a campus visit in the new year.  This was completed in tandem with colleagues and students from another academy within the trust and highlights a benefit of being with the Leigh Academies Trust. We look forward to continuing this work and ones like it, into the future.