

This module, our fantastic geographers have been diving into a variety of exciting geographical topics! Year 7 students have been exploring the wonders of weather, climate, and microclimates. Our Year 8s have embarked on a journey through globalisation, uncovering the fascinating origins of our clothes. Meanwhile, Year 9s have been adventuring into the icy realms of glacial landscapes. 

To our Year 10s, a huge congratulations on completing your first mock exams! Your dedication and application of the academic knowledge and geographical skills you've developed this year have truly paid off. We were incredibly impressed with your conduct during the exams and the way so many of you fully utilised the revision resources available. By doing so, you’ve set a strong foundation for even greater success next year. 

Year 7

Year 8

7SE on a field trip around the school, collecting data on microclimates with Ms Smith and Ms Hamilton

Year 9

Year 9 classwork produced by Preciou

Year 8 classwork produced by Lisbet, Litsa and Eva


Year 10

Herne Bay Trip: GCSE Field Trip  


This module, our historians have been exploring pivotal events in global history. Year 9 students have been examining the key moments of the Cold War, including the Berlin Blockade and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Year 7 students have been studying the Renaissance, focusing on influential figures such as Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton. Meanwhile, Year 8 students have been learning about the origins of protest, including the birth of trade unions and workers' rights in Britain. It's been an exciting term, and our students have shown great interest and enthusiasm! 

To our Year 10s, congratulations on completing your first mock exams in history! You have demonstrated maturity not only in how you conducted yourselves in the classroom during the exams, but also in how you prepared and revised for the two papers. It was a pleasure to see the variety of revision cards and the number of students logging on to the history revision website throughout the exam period. You have shown that you are ready for the challenges of the next academic year, and I am confident that if you continue to show this level of effort, you will reach new academic heights in your study of history. 

Year 7

Work produced by Oliver, Angela and Skylar

Y7 - History.pdf
Y7-History (3).pdf
Y7-History (2).pdf

Year 8


Y8 History.pdf

Year 9

Work produced by Kiera and Elizabeth 


During this module Year 7 have been answering the question ‘Does religion help people to be good?’ with a focus on how Martin Luther King Jr’s religious upbringing influenced his approach to racism.  Year 8s have considered different views about Life After Death, particularly on Buddhist beliefs.  At the same time Year 9s got to grips with a range of arguments concerning the existence of God, including The Cosmological and Design Arguments.  It's been an interesting term, and our students have debated these issues with enthusiasm.

Our Year 10s have been fantastic.  They have produced a set of mock exam results, which they should be proud of.  It is always a pleasure to teach them and I wish them every success in the coming year.

Year 7

Year 8

Work produced by Ornella

Year 7-Ethics.pdf

Work produced by Sophia and Callie

Year 8 - Ethics.pdf
Year 7- ethics.pdf
Year 8-Ethics.pdf

Year 9

Y9-Ethics Homework.pdf
Y9-Ethics Homework (1).pdf