Dungeons and Dragons

Prologue: The Commandeering of the Rolling Rhoda

Our tale begins upon the high seas, where the intrepid adventurers known as the Laughing Stock had commandeered a sturdy vessel, the Rolling Rhoda. With the wind at their backs, they sailed toward destiny, their eyes set on new horizons. Yet, fate is never so simple. A violent storm, fierce and unrelenting, threatened to dash their hopes and lives upon the rocks. Through grit and resolve, they navigated the tempest, guided by an unseen hand to a secret cove, arranged by the enigmatic Harpers spy organization.

The Sword Mountains Enclave

Upon safe harbor, our heroes were led to the hidden headquarters within the Sword Mountains. There, they were met by Isolde, the vigilant Warder of Phandalin. With grave news, she informed the party of the Dragon Cult’s sinister machinations. The cult, wielding the powerful spell known as ‘Wish,’ had succeeded six times in breaking the seals on Tiamat’s prison. Only three seals remained to safeguard the world from the Dragon Queen's wrath.

The Assault on Castle Naentyre

Determined to thwart the cult’s nefarious plans, the Laughing Stock set their sights on Castle Naentyre, located within the treacherous Mere of Dead Men. As they prepared for the assault, a seventh casting of ‘Wish’ reverberated through the air—only two seals remained. Through a swift ghost walk scry, the party unveiled the presence of Galvan, a high elf noble consumed by the ambition of releasing Tiamat. Spurned as a ruler, Galvan sought to see the world destroyed and himself reigning over its ruins.

The Battle Against Twin Dragons

A hastily formed alliance joined the Laughing Stock in their assault on the castle. However, lurking within the marshes were twin black dragons, fierce protectors of Galvan’s stronghold. Through sheer might and the wisdom gained from past battles, our heroes vanquished the beasts with relative ease, their confidence and power bolstered by the secrets of dragon-slaying they had mastered.

The Confrontation with Galvan

Within the castle, the Laughing Stock discovered an ancient dragon hatchery, tended only by Galvan, the last priest of the temple. In a fit of madness and desperation, Galvan razed the hatchery, summoning a temple mountain from the earth and casting ‘Wish’ once more. With only one seal remaining, the final confrontation was at hand. High above the world, a desperate battle unfolded atop the crumbling mountain. Lennithon, the great blue dragon and former foe, revealed his true allegiance. Galvan had been but a pawn, and Lennithon’s true intent was to summon Tiamat, ensuring draconic dominion over all.

The Final Sacrifice

Galvan fell, a tragic figure consumed by his own hubris. Yet, Lennithon remained a formidable adversary. In a moment of sheer desperation, Cul Borson, the sorcerer-warlock of the Laughing Stock, unconscious and plummeting from the sky, found the strength for one final act of heroism. Wielding the spear of Talos, Cul called forth the fury of the Storm Lord himself, sacrificing his life to strike down Lennithon with a bolt of divine lightning.

Epilogue: The End of the Tyranny

With Lennithon defeated and the final seal intact, the Laughing Stock had ended the Tyranny of Dragons. Their bravery and sacrifice ensured that Tiamat would remain imprisoned, and the world was saved from certain destruction. The tales of their deeds will echo through the annals of history, a testament to the courage and resolve of a few brave souls who stood against the darkness and triumphed.

And thus ends the tale of the Laughing Stock's intrepid stand against a tide of evil. When the dice rolls again, and soon it will, perhaps a different party of heroes shall find a different kind of darkness....

'Dungeons and Dragons' at the Sir Geoffrey Leigh Academy will be advancing, quite literally to Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, returning for September 2024 with 'The Curse of Strahd', a tale of woe, monsters, mystery, tragedy and really really atmospheric music.

 Thank you to everyone this year for supporting us and to the staff for joining in as actors and informants and especially to Mrs Dunne our intrepid Librarian for making this whole campaign possible! On behalf of ADnD at the Leigh, Thank you all!

Mr Harman (Game Master)