
 Miss Bishop

The year was 1991. A year in which John Major was Prime Minister, Arsenal won the last ever First Division Championship and Katrina Bishop started work at the school we now know as The Leigh Academy. Katrina joined as a receptionist back on 1st April 1991 when our academy was known by the name The Leigh City Technology College and was part of the 15 original City Technology Colleges.

In her time at the academy, Katrina has seen over 10,000 students come come through the school, has driven through our school gates over 8000 times and has driven over 24,000 miles back and forth to come to work (the same as driving round the circumference of the earth). Katrina has been such a part of our academy for so long and been that first contact for students, parents, staff and members of the public. It is hard to imagine The Leigh Academy without her but she has decided after 34 years it is time to put down the phone for one last time and relocate to Derbyshire for a step into her retirement in a different part of the country.

We all wish Miss Bishop the very best in her new life and we will not forget the contribution she has made to so many lives. Thank you and all the very best on your new adventure!