
 "Exit, pursued by a bear"

A round up of all the spectacular things Shakespeare students have 

achieved and experienced in Module 5 and 6

Shakespeare Day Reward Trip

On Friday 26th April,  twenty Year 10 Shakespeare students took part in an exploration of Borough Market, the South Bank and The Globe Theatre as part of our celebrations of The Bard. 

The students were selected because they have topped the League of Excellence in Shakespeare College accumulating the highest number of reward points for attitude to learning, literacy, demonstrating resilience, responsibility and respect. We are immensely proud of each of them, for all they have achieved this year.

This trip helps to mark the end of Year 10 and the students' move into their final compulsory year of education at The Leigh Academy, which will undoubtedly bring challenges and memorable moments. 

The whole Shakespeare team wishes each of our Year 10 students the very best for the next academic year.

Year 11 Leavers' Ceremony

Year 11 students said goodbye to each other as a cohort for the last time, during our Leavers' Assembly. It is always a special event when the students finally wear the college robes that symbolise their school family they have been such an important part of, for the last 5 years. This year we have had such a tight knit cohort of students and I have no doubt that whilst this is the last time  they were together as a group,  many of them have formed life long friendships and for the majority, we are also looking forward to welcoming them back into Attenborough College as Post 16 students next year. We wish them the best of luck with their results.

Head of College farewell

After 11 years as leader of Shakespeare College (previously Brunel), I am hanging up my red lanyard for the last time at the end of this module and making the move over to the green of Curie College. 

It has been such a privilege to have been Head of this college for such a long time, a period of time in which we have had many individual, as well as group successes to celebrate. In my time in the red corner of the building  (2,190 days) I have seen 660 Year 11 students collect their GCSE results, more Sports Day wins than any other college and have seen how we pulled together as a community after the global pandemic, and relaunched as Shakespeare College when we rebranded the figureheads. I am extremely proud of the students that have passed through the college and would like to thank the staff that I have worked with in that time. I would like to pay particular thanks to Miss Bodle as Assistant Head of College who has been such a dependable Deputy all year. Also to Miss Austin as Student Services Manager who works so hard for all our students alongside Miss Hooper (Student Support Officer) and Miss Cockle (College Admin) to ensure they get the very best support and care. I would also like to give thanks to Mrs Thomas, Mrs Protheroe and Miss Coules who are the three remaining Shakespeare members of staff who have been in the college even longer than I have. 

Finally a big thank you to the families who I have worked alongside during that time. The support you give the college is so important in ensuring we work together to give the best possible outcomes for your children and that ongoing support cannot be underestimated. 

Best wishes and have a lovely summer.

Mr Shepherd

The Shakespeare College team for 2024/254