A round-up of the latest successes of our intrepid Duke of Edinburgh teams

Bronze Award Teams

This year's Duke of Edinburgh Bronze cohort has once again proved that with teamwork, resilience, hardwork and  determination, anything is possible.  The Adventurous Monkeys, The Troops, Top 4, The Edinburgh Warriors, The Teen Titans and The Raspberries have worked so hard on all aspects of the DofE: volunteering, skills section, physical section and their expedition which saw them orienteer through some of the beautiful landscapes in Kent. Despite some really awful weather on their expedition, all teams completed their hikes and camping and were rightfully awarded their Bronze Awards. The celebratory ceremony will take place in Module 2 of the new academic year, and we look forward to congratulating them all then.

Silver Award Teams

Despite completing the rigorous process of achieving the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, some of our students decided that one award was not enough and decided to  push themselves to the limit again by stepping up and embracing the Silver Award. Having completed their volunteering, skils and physical aspects of the award, The Bubbles and The Princesses strapped on their walking boots, threw on their backpacks and set off to complete their expedition. Carrying everything they would need for a three day hike and two nights camping, the teams made their way to the Ashdown Forest to really test their mettle! It was hard going, but at least the weather was kinder. Like their Bronze counterparts, each of our students passed their Silver Award with flying colours. We can't wait to hear all about their journeys and celebrate with them at our awards ceremony next academic year.

More to come for the DofE

In September, the DofE team will be once more on the search for brave, risk-taking and dedicated Year 9 students to put their best foot forward and take on the challenges of the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. Next year, the award will be closely linked to the MYP Year 9 Community Project, meaning that students can combine their studies and extra-curricular activities into one package. Both the Community Project and the DofE have volunteering at their core, meaning that students will have more scope to help their communities, learn new skills, create lasting bonds with their peers through the expedition AND receive separate recognition for both.

Year 9 students should keep their eyes and ears open for DofE assemblies coming up in the new academic year.

A Huge Thank You

Our students are incredibly lucky to be able to access the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, here at The Leigh Academy. However, none of the experiences would be available if it were not for our brilliant and dedicated volunteer group, who give up their evenings and weekends to ensure that our young people make priceless memories. A big round of applause please for Mr Hills, Ms Marshall, Mrs Collins, Miss Van Leuwen, Miss Croft and Mr Harman for giving up their time and make the Duke of Edinburgh such a success at The Leigh Academy.