
The Science department joined in with Harry Potter day by trying to recreate some of the spells - the English department assures us this is called "Incendio".


Our science department has been a hive of activity lately, and we are thrilled to share some highlights from each year group's exciting endeavours.

In Year 7, our budding scientists have been indulging their sweet tooth while simultaneously testing their scientific mettle. Their assessments involved the delectable task of melting chocolate to explore and understand the fascinating world of melting points. It's been a hands-on and tasty experience, blending the worlds of chemistry and confectionery.

Stepping into Year 8, our students have been busy wielding test tubes and experimenting with metals. Practical sessions have involved subjecting various metals to different chemicals, unraveling the mysteries of chemical reactions and transformations. It's been a journey of discovery, and the lab has been buzzing with the excitement of scientific exploration.

Meanwhile, our Year 9 students have taken on a more serious and impactful challenge—researching malaria and its far-reaching consequences. Their focus has extended beyond the laboratory, delving into the social and economic implications of this global health issue. It's inspiring to witness our students engaging with real-world problems and applying their scientific knowledge to make a difference.

Looking ahead to Module 3, Year 8 is gearing up for another immersive experience—a dissection of a pluck (the lungs, liver, heart, larynx of a lamb). This hands-on exploration promises to provide invaluable insights into anatomy and physiology, offering a bridge between theory and practical application.

KS4 Science

In KS4 Science, our students in Year 10 have embarked on an insightful journey, exploring the intricate links between cancer, health, atomic structure, and radiation. Building on this foundation, they have delved deeper into the complexities of chemical reactions. 

Meanwhile, in Year 11, the curriculum has expanded to encompass a diverse range of topics including quantitative chemistry, homeostasis, electricity, and the fascinating world of crude oil. As they navigate these scientific realms, students are not only broadening their understanding but are also diligently preparing for their upcoming mock exams, a testament to their dedication and commitment to academic excellence.

Applied Science

In Applied Science, our students have been immersed in a dynamic exploration of diverse scientific concepts. From employing thin-layer chromatography techniques to identify amino acids and mastering the art of gram-staining bacteria, to delving into the intricacies of quantum mechanics at the atomic level. The curriculum also unravels the enigma of light, probing into its dual nature as both a wave and a particle. Through this multifaceted approach, students are not only acquiring practical laboratory skills but also cultivating a profound understanding of the fundamental principles that underpin the fascinating world of applied science.


In Year 13, IB Biological Sciences students are continuing their programme with independent assignments, choosing and conducting experiments of their own. They've also been exploring gender differences in color perception to investigating the impact of heating on the vitamin C content of fruits and vegetables, their projects span diverse and relevant scientific inquiries. This hands-on experience not only sharpens their scientific skills but also instills a sense of ownership and pride in their work. Stay tuned as our students prepare to share their findings with the school community, contributing to a culture of scientific curiosity and dialogue.


In the realm of Psychology, Year 12 students have delved into intriguing topics such as memory, schema theory, and their practical application to eye witness testimony. Engaging in lively discussions and honing their analytical skills, students have also mastered the art of essay writing and learned to critically evaluate research studies. 

As for Year 13, the focus has been on preparing students for their upcoming mocks, ensuring they are well-equipped to showcase their understanding and proficiency. Meanwhile, the curriculum has expanded to encompass the intricacies of relationships and the profound impact of issues like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Through a combination of thoughtful discussions, essay writing, and study evaluations, both year groups have navigated the complexities of psychology, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the human mind and behavior.