Here at The Leigh Academy, my players and I have had the opportunity this year, to commandeer my Science lab on Friday afternoon, to play Dungeons and Dragons, I've played DnD for most of my adult life and in the last five or so years, have been what is known as the DM or Dungeon Master.  Since Mid-September our DnD heroes have been learning the game and exploring a small part of the world we've created together. The game is played using dice and character sheets, which when used together can help dictate the chances of what happens in their world, each player can then decided how they want to play! What follows is a somewhat dramatic retelling of the campaign so far, I hope you find it entertaining and we'll share more of our adventures with you in the future - Mr Harman 

Our heroes began their adventure by seeming chance, or at least were caught in the whims of a God's mischief by chance. Fleeing from the ravages of an invading mercenary army, led by Dragon Cultists and an immense adult Blue Dragon, they ran into the middle of the only refuge at hand...the town of Greenest. Sadly, this would prove to be an ever encircling trap, designed to prevent any escape of gold or prisoners while the early forces raided and caused chaos in the firelit streets.

Seeing an opportunity to put strong walls between themselves and the foul forces of the cult, they provided a rearguard action, saving hundreds of villagers from a desperate fate and ushering them into Dharva's Keep, a magnificent and stout castle keep in the centre of town. Once the doors were bolted and there was time to rest, each of the party agreed they would form a company named 'The Laughing Stock', a band of adventurers surviving a siege together.

Thanks to a surly and suspicious Governor Nighthill and the Jolly Dwarf Castellan the heroes were informed of a gate and a tunnel beneath the castle. Braving the stench and dark, they drove out the rats that had taken up occupancy there, nearly collapsing the tunnel. The heroes led the surviving townsfolk through to safety and escape, whilst convincing the sieged forces that the people were still inside and drawing their focus.

Later a brutal blunt force attack nearly breached the Posturn Gate but was repelled just as forcefully. However the coming night would earn the frustration of Lennithon, the mighty blue dragon, who upon the setting sun would attack, his lighting breath and lance like talons making short work of the castle defenders and ripping apart the fortress itself. In the near collapse of the castle, by sheer luck none of the team were hurt, allowing them to escape through the tunnel.

Hiding in the tunnel, the Governor would inform them that the attack had a second motive, providing cover for the kidnap of a certain villager who, for an unknown reason, had chosen to stay in the castle. Erwyn, a simple shopkeeper, thought this was a ruse. He was in fact a spymaster, trading and organising intelligence for the Harper organisation in the south, the true target for this invasion; Erwyn had an as yet unknown piece of information that the Dragon Cult desired.

This brings us to the present, Erwyn is on his knees by the old mill, being interrogated, whilst our heroes attempt to rescue him. Finally, they realise it was simply a last attempt at luring them all into the open. Galvan the Blue Dragon's Lord, a distinctive and arrogant high elf who set the trap, easily retrieved Erwyn's information and has now left them all to face off against his champion, CyanWrath, a half-dragon half-mad knight, hell bent on destruction.

Only a roll of the dice will tell how the Laughing Stock will fair...

From Left to Right: Erwyn (Shopkeeper and Spy), CyanWrath the DragonKnight, Galvan DragonLord