Personal Development

Year 7

Modules 1 and 2 have seen Year 7 students studying the basics of resilience and learning about breathing and mindfulness. In this photo we can see a Year 7 class looking for evidence to support a theory.

Year 8

Year 8 students spent Module 1 looking at School to Life module, role models and planning for the future. In Module 2, students have focused on media influences including fake news and gender stereotypes.

Year 9

In Modules 1 and 2 students have focused on learning about the dangers of alcohol and then the links between mental wellness and physical wellness. The Module 2 content has been created in conjunction with the Harry Kane Foundation. In this photo we see students exploring nutrition with the NHS food scanner app.

Year 10

Year 10 students have looked at the dangers of gangs and drugs in Module 1 and then moved onto further exloration of mental health which they started to study in previous years. In the photo we see some students exploring the effect of different drugs on the body.

A visit from our local MP Gareth Johnson 

On Friday 10th November we received a visit from MP Gareth Johnson. He came in to speak with our Post 16 Government and Politics students as well as our Student Voice group.  Topics of discussion were varied and ranged from big national and international issues to more specific local matters.  

Mr Johnson was then questioned by students who asked some probing questions to do with: 

It was a fantastic experience for the students to be able to ask Mr Johnson about things that really mattered to them and it was interesting to hear his responses. The democratic process which is followed to elect our student voice representatives is an important part of our Fundamental British Values education and this visit was a great experience for those students who took part in that process.