
A round up of all the wonderful activities that have taken place in English so far this year

Our Year 7 students have finished their study of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Year 8 have finished reading The Giver and have really enjoyed engaging with dystopian fiction. 

Year 9 have enjoyed a unit on Inflammatory Media. We have explored media bias, censhorship and satire. 

Year 10 have been studying English Language and have enjoyed the opportunity to write creatively. 

Year 11 have just finished sitting mock examinations for Paper 2 Literature and Language and we are very proud of their efforts. 

On Monday 11th December, Year 7 enjoyed a Harry Potter day! Staff dressed as characters from the much loved books and and the students enjoyed a themed menu and a screening of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Our Year 7s also entered various competitions and won Harry Potter themed prizes...

Here is some of the stunning work our students have produced:

Lexie (Seacole)

Skyla (Shakespeare)

Emily (Seacole)

Hogwarts Poem

Hufflepuff, Slytherin, but still there’s more,

There’s Ravenclaw and there’s Griffindor

Harry, Hermione and Ron Weasley too

They are all part of the Hogwart’s crew

The Sorting Hat will put you in the house, where you’ll stay,

And then there’s Quidditch, the game we play.

Dumbledore is Head,

Professor Snape keeps us in line,

Hagrid can lead us to where,

The Philosopher’s stone shines.

Beware of the grey lady,

The Bloody Baron must be tamed,

And don’t forget, we don’t mention, 

He who must not be named!

Leigh Academy staff immersing themselves in Harry Potter day