Curie College

Events in Curie during Modules 1 and 2

Rugby World Cup

All Tutor Groups drew two teams from this year's Rugby World Cup. We then watched with great anticipation as to who would win. In the end the winning team were South Africa and the winning Tutor Group were Curie 11. They will now receive a Pizza Party.

Curie Tutor Group Competition- World Languages Day

All Tutor Groups were challenged to say the longest village name in the UK- 


The best efforts were shown by Curie 1, Curie 4 and Curie 9- Well done to all involved!

Curie College Award Winners- League of Excellence

We held our Module 1 rewards assembly on Wednesday the 15th of November-

Our top 3 students in each year group and their points were-

Year 7 -                  3rd Millie -        582          2nd Emily -                      668   1st Chloe -                      691

Year 8 -  3rd Emily - 657        2nd  Aleksander- 699            1st Michal - 908

Year 9 -  3rd Sophie -   471     2nd  Abimbola -   497     1st Andrei - 551

Year 10 - 3rd Laura - 731  2nd  Frank- 783  1st Ariana - 952

Year 11 - 3rd Eloise -  567         2nd  Farrah - 606      1st Abi  and Lenny - 663

Curie Top Three - 3rd Frank - 783     2nd Michal - 908 1st Ariana - 952

We are looking forward to our second rewards assembly in January where we can further reward our excellent students.

Curie College Day - On the 12th December we got together in Curie College year groups to work on our soft skills. We were inspired by Marie Curie's impressive career and students took part in various Curie inspired team building challenges. Putting their IB learning profiles into practical use, including finding a way to work together to not drop the Curie inspired 'radioactive' waste from one basket to another!