

This term we have been working on drama techniques including freeze frames, narration, mime, slow motion and improvisation.

In our final assessment of this module students will be creating their own advert using a social issue such as homophobia, bullying, homelessness, mental illness or poverty. Students will work in a group and will need to include 4 drama techniques. At this stage in their learning I am looking to build confidence, creative skills, story telling, projection and working as part of a team.  


This term we have been working on drama genres - Tragedy, Comedy and Musical.

We have worked on each specific genre for 1 lesson, students have then picked their chosen genre for our final assessment for this term. Working as part of a group or individually students have either created their work solely or used material that already exists. In year 8, the students should have a good understanding of drama techniques. I will be focusing on their good use of time management, effective team work and overall performance skills. 


This term we have been researching and studying an influential Drama practitioner - Konstantin Stanislavski.

We have explored his system, techniques and why he created theatre in the way that he did. Stanislavski is one of the most influential figures in the history of Drama.

For the past few weeks we have been working on 'The Hollow' by Agatha Christie using Stanislavski's techniques. The students will be assessed on this piece for their final assessment of this term. 


This term we have been working on component 1 - ...

Students have been  rehearsing  a play 'Things I know to be true' in a naturalistic approach with elements of frantic assembly (physical theatre company) This work is part of their BTEC awards assessment.


This term we have been working on component 2...

Students have been rehearsing a play 'Animal Farm' which links to the theme 'Power' - released by Pearson (Awarding body) This work is part of their BTEC awards assessment.


Every Tuesday afternoon from 3.15pm-4.15pm we run our extra curriculum club - Musical Theatre - open to all years.

The students have an opportunity to develop their skills in dance, singing, acting, directing and stage lighting.

We are currently working on Mrs Moore's adaption of 'Dick Whittington'

The students have the opportunity to audition for parts and become part of the ensemble. We are hoping to perform to an audience in February.