Attenborough College

Welcome to your roundup of the highlights of another very busy two modules of support, events and achievements in Attenborough College since the Summer Newsletter.

Year 13 Exam Results 2023

In August, Year 13 students celebrated another bumper crop of excellent exam results when they collected their A level and BTEC results, having collected their IB results in July. Two thirds of them have taken up places at universities up and down the UK this autumn and the rest are either beginning their journey into the world of work or enjoying a well-earned gap year before they pursue apprenticeships, employment or university education.  Despite the national picture of grade boundaries being elevated and exam results amongst the top grades declining in the return to pre-pandemic grading, our students bucked the trend and maintained the academy's outstanding successes of 2022. We sincerely appreciate the effort students put in, the painstaking hard work of our teachers and the support provided by parents.

One notable success that we must draw to your attention is the outstanding set of results achieved by our outgoing Academy Head Boy, Dominic, who earned grade 7 results in both Global Politics and Social and Cultural Anthropology, an A grade in History and a Distinction Star grade in BTEC Business, as well as completing the IB Career-related Programme. These results earned him a place to study Human, Social and Political Science at Hughes Hall College at The University of Cambridge. He is certainly the first Leigh Academy student to earn a place at an Oxbridge college and we believe he is the first student attending a non-selective academy in The Leigh Academies Trust to do so, as well. 

Year 12 Induction

As always, we began the new academic year for Year 12 with a bang and this year was no exception. 

Year 12 joined us on the 11th September for a jam-packed induction day, filled with information about their Post-16 journey. 

Miss Marshall and Mr Burton started the day with an overview of standards and expectations, some study tips and tricks and making sure everyone was ready to start the week with timetables, ID cards and maps of the building.

In the afternoon, our long-standing guest speaker, Dee Bleakley, gave the new Year 12 cohort his motivational talk on how to get the most out of their time in Attenborough College. We invite Dee back every year as he really inspires our students to keep in a positive mindset and focus on what it is that they want to get out of their Post-16 studies. 

We are already so impressed with the way the Year 12 students have started this academic year and look forward to working with them and their parents and carers over the next 18 months.

Parent webinars on motivating Post-16 age children

In Module 2, we have offered parents of Post-16 students the opportunity to attend free webinars, offering tips and advice on how to support their children through the final two years of secondary education. 

We would like to thank Samantha Garner for the Year 13 session, where she talked about how mental health and anxiety can impact learning and day to life. 

Also, a big thank you to our long-term working partner, Dee Bleakley, for holding a session for Year 12 parents. Dee has worked with us for several years now and is an integral part of our induction programme in September. As a former teacher, he understands how to get the best from young people and we have the advantage of him knowing us and our students, which allowed him to tailor the session accordingly. 

We hope parents and carers found these sessions useful in being able to provide support to their children as examinations and transitions into adult life approach. 

Both Samatha's and Dee’s websites are linked for parents and carers to look explore:

Working in partnership with KMPF and The University of Kent

We are very proud to work in collaboration with KMPF (The Kent and Medway Progression Federation), which is a joint collaboration between universities in Kent and Medway, colleges and schools. We work together to support students with their future decisions, by providing workshops, assemblies and campus visits.

In Module 2, we have had an assembly providing Year 12 students information regarding The Succeed Programme, which is run by The University of Kent. This is an intensive and sustained intervention that helps young people explore their options Post-18, particularly around deciding whether university study is right for them. Students self-sign up and the programme is delivered over four Saturdays on campus and a three-night residential in July (plus online sessions involving parents). The deadline for this application is the 28th January.

Through the University of Kent we have also been running the ‘Sixth Form Foundations: Skills for Success’ sessions that run through tutor time. It is designed to support students who have just started Post-16, helping them understand what they want to achieve and how to get there. Students will consider planning, setting objectives, developing a growth mindset and looking at the role of extracurricular activities and part-time work.

Post-16 Open Evening 2023

As always, Attenborough College pulled out all the stops to showcase the very best of our Post-16 offer during Open Evening on Wednesday 15th November. 

The restaurant was alive with prospective students and their parents and carers, excited to learn more about the subjects on offer and hear more about the IBCP programme that all Year 12 students will be taking next year. 

We are really proud of not only the academic choices we offer but also the additional support and opportunities that are available to our students. We would like to say a big thank you to all the staff and students who helped to make Open Evening such a success. 

If you would like to apply, or learn more about Attenborough College, please click this link to visit our application page on the academy website.

Christmas in Attenborough College

What better way to celebrate the end of a busy module than with hot chocolate and cake? 

Attenborough College marked the start of the festive season by coming together to listen to some classic Christmas songs, enjoy hot chocolate and whipped cream and some very delicious treats. We are so lucky to have two brilliant year groups who make events like this so much fun and it was lovely to see our entire cohort celebrating together.

Thank you to Cucina for supplying the hot chocolate and to the Attenborough Team for providing the treats and tunes!