
‘Capturing the moment’ A level Photography and Fine Art students visit  Tate modern .

Our A level students really enjoyed the visit to the Tate to see the current exhibition  'Capturing the moment’ The exhibition displayed art works, both photographic and painted, with the common theme that the artist had ‘captured the moment’ : an event, a point of history, a reflection of the time they were living in. 

We saw  Picasso’s ‘Weeping woman’  placed next to the haunting photographs taken at the same time by Dorothea Lang of the Great depression as well as the representation of JFK and Marilyn Monroe. 

The photographer Robert Doisneau was famous for his ‘decisive moment’ images, so to get into the  mindset of the artists we would see in the gallery, all students were tasked with ‘capturing the moment’ with street photography, looking for the snatched kiss or encounter! 

 A interesting  day with lots to consider for future art pieces.