Meet the Team

In the second of a new series within our newsletters, we give you the opportunity to meet some of the unsung heroes of 

The Leigh Academy staff.

Meet our catering team from Cucina

The saying is that an army marches on its stomach, and the same can be said of our family, here at The Leigh Academy!

This wonderful team, led by Steve, ensures that staff and students alike are fed and watered each break and lunch time,  so that they can power through the academy day.  Breakfast is also available from 7.30am with a range of pastries and sausage and bacon rolls and free porridge every day. 

Fresh sandwiches, pizza, cakes and other delicious treats are freshly cooked each day in the Cucina Kitchen along with a range of tasty hot and cold drinks. Recipes from cultures across the world are available, along with a traditional midweek roast dinner with all the trimmings.

Gluten intolerance, vegetarianism and veganism are all catered for, so no one needs to suffer an empty tummy.

Thanks to this wonderful and hard working team, all our nutrition needs are literally catered for!