Beaver Tech Family Newsletter 

Week of 4/19/2024

A word from your Proud Principal Mrs. Garcia:  

It was a busy week! April is quickly wrapping up!

 I want to give a special thank you to our staff for helping us this Saturday at the Explore GISD event. This was an event to showcase our campus to families looking for the perfect school for their Kindergartener next school year. We met so many new families that are looking forward to becoming Beaver STARS! 

In addition, our Honor Choir went to competition this week and came home with a Trophy for earning a 1 (the highest rating) in all areas they were competing in! Way to go Honor Choir and Mr. Gonzales!! 

Lastly, Beaver had 3 -1st place winners for the Planetarium Art contest and 4 -2nd place winners! One of our 4th graders created the piece below! 


Upcoming Dates: 

STAAR Testing 3rd, 4th and 5th grade- MATH 

April 23 and April 24 

Testing Tips for Parents: 

Spring Carnival

May 3 6:00PM-8:00PM 

Tickets are on sale NOW! 

The cost is 

Presale $20 Adult/$10 Kids under 5 or

 At the door $25 Adults $15 Kids under 5

Parents do NOT have to pay to come UNLESS they are participating in the activities. If parents are only coming to be with their child, they do not have to pay. 

We also need volunteers! Parents can sign up to volunteer by using this link: Carnival Volunteers

About Field Trips

May is the time of year when grade levels take lots of field trips. Here are a few reminders: 

Beaver encourages the use of organized off-campus trips to connect learning objectives to real world experiences. All planned school-sponsored trips (field trips) away from the campus are considered extensions of learning.  Field trips allow students to collaborate with their peers, explore new environments, make connections, and problem solve. The field trip may also include  follow-up activities that allow students to summarize, apply, and evaluate what they learned from the trip.

Many times, these field trips required additional adult support. We encourage parents to participate in these field trips as chaperones/volunteers. However, these field trips are not designed as an event  for a parent and student to spend one on one time. We have separate scheduled Family and Community events throughout the year designed for the whole family.

Volunteers/Chaperones for Field Trips: The primary reason for the chaperones is to supervise a group of students. Chaperones are responsible for students and are expected to stay with their assigned group and monitor their behavior for the entire field trip from departure time until they return to school. 

Monday Lunch

May 13 will be the last Monday for parents to come enjoy lunch with their student this school year! 

A few reminders: 

Morning Drop Off 


 There have been several incidents of people dropping students off in the mornings in unassigned areas. Please remember that procedures are in place to ensure students are welcomed in a safe way.  We know that people are in a hurry in the mornings, but please be considerate of others when dropping of your student so we can avoid accidents.  Let's work together to make sure morning drop is safe and efficient. 


Procedures are in place to ensure our  students are dismissed promptly and  safely. 

The safety of our students is our priority.  

A few reminders: 

Counselor Corner

Career Day:

College EXPO:

 WOW Time:

STARS Highlights


Do you want to show a Beaver staff member some appreciation? Is there a staff member that you really appreciate or something about Beaver that you love? Share it. SHOW SOME LOVE! 

At Beaver we believe in building a positive environment through appreciation. Join us! 


Thank you to the parents that have shared their appreciation! I take the information and share it with the teacher. It really makes their day, so thank you!