Beaver Tech Family Newsletter 

Week of 2/2/2024

A word from your Proud Principal Mrs. Garcia:  

Upcoming Dates:

Open Lab in the Mornings 

I am so proud of the hard work our students are putting in first thing in the morning! We have had a great turn out of students that come into the Computer Lab from 7:30-8:00am to work on programs like IReady, Lexia and Achieve 3000! All these programs and lessons are geared specific to student needs and help students grow academically. Currently, we are opening the Lab to 2nd-5th grade students due to space and availability. 

If your child is at school early, encourage them to attend! 


Thank you to all the students that competed in UIL this year! 

A BIG congratulations to the students that placed!  We appreciate all the hard work and dedication. Our UIL competitors make Beaver SHINE BRIGHT.

I also want to say thank you to our staff that coached the UIL Teams. Teachers that coached these events do it on their own time with no additional pay. Thank you to the staff that gave of thier time to ensure our students were ready for this competition. You are simply the best. 

You make Beaver Tech a great place to be. 

Picture Day  


Individual Spring pictures and class pictures will be taken on

 Tuesday, February 13! Come picture ready! 

Friendship Celebrations 


This year our Friendship Celebrations and Picture Day will be done on the same day, February 13.  We are combining both events, in order to avoid two consecutive days of interrupted instructional time and maximize our time. This way, we can ensure they are ready to continue learning the rest of the week

Tuesday, February 13 (not 2/14) will be our Friendship Celebrations in class. Our STAR Motto focuses on being Supportive Team Players and that is what we want to celebrate! We know that we are better TOGETHER. This year our Friendship Celebrations will focus on qualities that bring us together like kindness, respect, and collaboration. This year's Friendship Celebration will be exclusively for the students. Parents will not be asked to attend this celebration. This is an opportunity for our students to celebrate each other and build the classroom culture. 

 However, teachers will be sending out more information on details of the classroom celebration and items that may be needed to make this classroom event a success! 

Parent University Flier (Spanish) (7).pdf
Parent University Flier (9).pdf

From GISD:   

The Family and Community Engagement Department is excited to announce our second

Parent University of the school year!  The details are:


Date:              Thursday, February 29th

Location:  Sellers Middle School

Time:         6pm – Registration Begins

                    6:30pm – Session 1

                       7:00pm – Transition

                       7:15pm – Session 2

                  * Childcare will be provided! *


Topics will include Pre-K choice of school, Secondary Math, College Readiness (including testing information), Pre-K Readiness,

GISD’s Armed Security Officer Program, and more!  We will have interpretation available along with door prizes and a FREE Food truck

provided by our community partner, Credit Union of Texas!


Registration will open on: Thursday, January 25th

Counselor Corner

National School Counseling Week: Feb. 5-9

Fun Facts about School Counseling & Your Counselor:

How to reach me:

STARS Highlights


Do you want to show a Beaver staff member some appreciation? Is there a staff member that you really appreciate or something about Beaver that you love? Share it. SHOW SOME LOVE! 

At Beaver we believe in building a positive environment through appreciation. Join us! 


Thank you to the parents that have shared their appreciation! I take the information and share it with the teacher. It really makes their day, so thank you!