Beaver Tech Family Newsletter 

Week of 11/17/2023 V.17

A word from your Proud Principal Mrs. Garcia:  

We had a busy week! We enjoyed celebrating the last 2 days of Red Ribbon Week! I can't believe it is already November!! 

We are looking forward to the next two weeks before Thanksgiving Break! 

Here at Beaver, staff and students start and end our day with a saying: "Excellence and Heart , Set Us Apart!" 

It is something we say all together everyday and it is true! 

Those two things make Beaver a very special place. 

Upcoming Dates: 

Family Engagement! 

Families involved in our school is important and crucial to building a positive school environment! 

Our families matter! 

We have seen an positive increase in parent involvement this year and we want to say thank you! We appreciate all your support in helping build our school community. Families are a crucial part of our school culture.

Our staff has thoughtfully been working hard to increase our family engagement. We know the value in having family engagement for our students. 

A special thank you to the Specials Team and Mr. Gonzales for a great 2nd grade program. We had a very large number of families in attendance. 

Thank you to our PTA for the Trunk or Treat and to all the families that participated. Trunk or Treat was a huge success. 

Thank you to our 2nd grade teachers for hosting a trunk and Kinder for hosting a special event for Kinder parents to attend. They are so good at making school fun! 

We saw record numbers attend the GISD Expo on November 2. This event is for families that interested in attending Beaver the following school year. Our teachers gave their time to meet these families and tell them about why Beaver is a great place to be!  

Finally, thank you to Ms. Laura Bortters for hosting a snack cart for our staff!!!! THANK YOU for helping take care of this amazing hard working dedicated staff.

 Thank you!!! 



Wednesday, November 8 at 8:20-9:00 am 

Parents are invited and welcome to join us to receive the latest news and events on campus. Coffee with the Principal is the time for parents to hear about instructional programs, gain instructional data knowledge, learn strategies to assist their children, ask questions and/or share concerns that will positively impact student academic achievement. 

Each session is designed to hear directly from the Principal.  This is also a great opportunity to meet other parents and share in celebrating the school’s progress.  All parents are welcome! 

Please RSVP if you will be joining! RSVP   


THURSDAY, 11/9 at 5:30 PM 

Join us for our 1st grade performance honoring Veteran's  in the Cafeteria!! 

The Watch Dog Kick Off will be right after the Program at 6:00PM! 

Join Watch D.O.G.S !

THURSDAY, 11/9 6-7:30PM


National Elementary Honor Society is collecting canned goods for local food pantries from November 1 to November 14. Please send in unexpired, healthy canned foods such as canned meat, canned vegetables, soup, rice, pasta. Thank you for helping our students serve their community! 



October 16-November 27

In addition to the four academic core areas, Gifted/Talented services are also provided in  GISD for students who qualify in the areas of art and music. We are excited to announce  that the 2023-24 application for the GISD music and visual arts Talented Program is currently open!

The assessment application is available for interested students in grades 1-7 and will  remain open through November 27th. Information regarding the application can be found on the district website . Both the  application and art/music assessment requirements can be accessed on the Gifted &  Talented Education webpage of the GISD website.

Counselor Corner

Social-Emotional Learning:

Next week we finish out our 2nd Mindset: Passion First by focusing on "Being Authentic". Check out the lesson kids do each day after announcements!

SEL Week 13: Be Authentic

For our Career of the week we'll finish learning about Technical Science jobs by focusing on Chemists.

World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day is November 13th and we'll be celebrating by wearing YELLOW! We want to brighten up the world with our kindness!

We will also be starting a service project during the month of November. We'll be collecting items for Blessing Bags for the homeless. This is a great way for our students to think of the needs of others and to practice kindness towards others in our community. Students will also help put bags together. 

Veterans Day

Has someone in your family served in the military? We want to celebrate them on Veterans Day! We will be posting pictures and short bios for our Beaver Family Veterans. Our students will also be learning about each military branch on Morning Announcements! On Friday, Nov. 10th, students can dress up in red, white, and blue or wear camo to honor our soldiers. Look for the flier going home in Thursday folders and honor your loved one! We'll hang them at Beaver for everyone to see!

Watch Dogs Kick-Off

Watch DOGS will kick-off on Thursday, Nov. 9th from 6:00-7:30 pm! Watch DOGS is a parent volunteer program that encourages fathers and father-figures to be a part of school activities. We hope you'll join us! Please fill out the RSVP so we can make sure to have enough pizza for everyone!

STARS Highlights


Do you want to show a Beaver staff member some appreciation? Is there a staff member that you really appreciate or something about Beaver that you love? Share it. SHOW SOME LOVE! 

At Beaver we believe in building a positive environment through appreciation. Join us! 


Thank you to the parents that have shared their appreciation! I take the information and share it with the teacher. It really makes their day, so thank you!