Assessments & Feedback


MYP feedback and reporting is done in numerous ways:

MYP Assessments

The main purpose of assessment is to improve teaching and learning and remain in line with our school’s mission and vision. In the MYP, teachers assess the prescribed subject group objectives using the assessment criteria for each subject group in each year of the program. In order to provide students with opportunities to achieve at the highest level, FIS teachers develop rigorous tasks that embrace a variety of assessment strategies. These assessment tasks provide evidence of student understanding and not simply the recall of factual knowledge. Typical MYP assessment tasks include open–ended, problem-solving activities and investigations, organized debates, tests and examinations, hands–on experimentation, analysis and reflection. Teachers use a variety of formative assessment methods that involve the learner, including self–assessment and peer–assessment. Feedback is given to individual students to ensure learning is focused on specific goals. FIS teachers also use assessments in order to develop and adapt their own planning and teaching in line with students’ understanding. There are also summative assessments as part of every MYP unit. Over the course of a year, these assessments also provide students with experience of the type of assessment that they will be required to undertake in the IBDP. 

The MYP uses a criterion-referenced model of assessment. This means that students’ results are determined by performance against set standards, not by each student’s position in an overall rank order. There are four assessment criteria for each subject group, and the maximum score for each criterion is eight points. These criteria represent the use of knowledge, understanding and skills that must be taught. They encompass the factual, applicative, analytical, and evaluative dimensions of knowledge. Four assessment criteria for each subject is marked out of eight, with a total possible score for each subject of 32.  These are converted using the MYP grade boundaries and then presented on a 1 – 7 scale. This grade reflects a student’s overall performance and level in that subject.

Below you will find the criteria for all the subject groups. Student can expect a summative assessment to occur roughly every six weeks. Assessments should not be announced and completed in under a week, and feedback should not take longer than two weeks to be given to students.

The full FIS Assessments Guide can be accessed here.

MYP Grade Boundaries