
Full school communication

Primarily, we use email and ManageBac as our main forms of full school communication. If you have not yet activated your ManageBac account, or you have any issues using the system, please contact David Tam (Head of IT). Although we strongly encourage parents to log in to ManageBac regularly for curricular information, in general, the communications sent out via ManageBac will also be received as an email notification.

Monthly newsletter

At the beginning of each month all parents receive a school newsletter (via email). This newsletter details the important events coming up in the month ahead, as well as celebrating any recent student achievements. If you have any feedback about the monthly newsletter, or you have not yet received one, please contact Andrew Sifton (Marketing & Communications Manager).

Parent Portal

Within the FIS Parent Portal you will find a range of resources and information including our photo and video galleries, and various important documents and handbooks. If you have any issues logging on to the Parent Portal, please contact Andrew Sifton, Marketing & Communications Manager.

Emergency communications

Information on Emergency Communications can be found here.

Elementary communication


Seesaw is the primary channel of communication in the elementary school. Through Seesaw teachers are able to welcome parents "into their classroom" by sharing some of the fantastic things that are happening in their classes each week. Students will also begin to document their own learning through Seesaw and share this with their parents, allowing each parent to follow their own child's progress. Seesaw platforms are managed by homeroom teachers.


ManageBac is an online curriculum management and reporting program.  Reports and general curriculum information are posted to ManageBac. 

Secondary communication

ManageBac is the primary channel of communication in the secondary school. Unit information, and student grades are updated continually throughout the year. Reports are also posted to ManageBac.

Feedback on student progress

FIS provides feedback about student progress at several points throughout the year.

In the Elementary School, feedback is provided through:

In the Secondary School, feedback is provided through:

Social media

Through our social media channels we promote some of the wonderful things happening around FIS. We encourage all of our parents to follow our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages.