Medical & Health

Notification of student illness or absence must take place before 9:00am on a school day as per Attendance & Absences. Depending on the nature of the illness, a student may be requested to present authorization from a doctor before returning to school. Students should not return to school until they have recovered sufficiently to participate in their regular school program. Students should be free of fever (without fever reducing medicine) for at least 24 hours before returning to school. In the case of infectious diseases, different and specific rules are applied.

Sickness during the School Day

If a student is sick during the school day, with the approval of their teacher the student must report to the Health Office or Business Office. If its is determined to be necessary, a call will be made to the parents for the student to be collected. Students are not permitted to declare themselves sick and phone parents to collect them without the involvement of the Health Office or Business Office.

Communicable Diseases/ Serious Illness

Parents MUST notify the school immediately of any serious and/or communicable disease a student has. Parents are also asked to inform the Health Office or Student Services Secretary regarding all changes in health such as hospitalization, fractures, use of/change in medication. If accompanied by written directions, medication from home will be administered by a nurse or an appropriate office staff member. Teachers are not allowed to administer medication.

Students with asthma, bee sting allergies or other complaints should bring additional medication to the Health Office to be used in case of an emergency. Upon written parental permission medication may be held and given by the nurse or an appropriate office staff member.

If there is a signed medicine permission release on file, students may receive non-prescriptive medication, administered by the nurse or an appropriate office staff member.

In instances of communicable disease appearing in the school, a notification will be sent to parents and staff highlighting the signs and symptoms of the disease. The school will also immediately inform the community of any precautions or measures necessitated by the presence of disease.

All parents complete a Medical & Behavioral Questionnaire as part of the application process. Details provided must be kept up to date and any changes should be forwarded to the Business Office immediately.

Student Accidents, Injuries and First Aid

Student accidents that require medical attention are to be reported to the appropriate Principal and Head of School. The School Nurse or a member of the Business Office will be responsible for making the primary assessment of the student’s injury and take necessary actions. The Nurse or member of the Business Office will be responsible for caring minor injuries incurred on FIS campus. In the event of life-threatening situations, CPR and or AED may be performed by any competent or trained persons.

Parents or guardians are to be notified if a student suffers an injury that requires external medical attention.

Any teachers or staff who witness a student accident are required to complete a Student Accident Report Form (ARF). This will be shared with the parent and Head of School.

The Business Manager will regularly review the conditions of the school grounds, playground equipment, school building, and report any possible hazardous conditions to the Head of School.