Behavior & Discipline

Good behavior is expected amongst our students. Students are taught to be kind, respectful and not to exclude others through language or other means and to develop the attributes characterized in the IB learner profile. Students are also taught that they are representatives of the school, and in all situations (in school as well as out of school) good behavior must be maintained so that the reputation of Fukuoka International School is preserved.

All general rules as described in this document, such as proper attire, shoe wear, behavior in and out of school, respect towards the school, students, teachers and property will be followed. Failure to follow these rules will result in a variety of consequences from minor to severe. In the elementary school, the most common type of punishments are time-outs for younger students and missing recess for the older ones. Parents are often notified if the behavior continues. Students who continue to break the rules will then see the Principal for follow up. At no time is hitting, biting or harming another student tolerated at FIS and severe disciplinary action will result. These can result in suspension of a student.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are a variety of safeguarding measures that are in place, and these fall under out behavior protocols. Until further notice, all students must:

  • Wear face masks

  • Practice social distancing

  • Consistently wash their hands throughout the day, especially after using the restroom and playing outside.

Sharky's Choice.pdf