Assessments & Feedback

Individual Student Feedback

In the Elementary School, feedback is provided at several points throughout the year. These include:

  • Conferences (3 times a year)

  • Seesaw (ongoing progress)

  • Student reports via ManageBac (twice a year)

  • Assessments shared via Seesaw (4 to 6 a year)

  • Individual parent meetings (if required or requested)

Assessments at FIS

Assessment standards at FIS are high, yet appropriate. Evaluation of student achievement is based on informal observation, formal observation and supervision of classwork and homework.

Below is the assessment philosophy that applies to all grade levels.

“Assessment is a vital and ongoing part of the teaching and learning at FIS. It identifies the knowledge, understanding, and skills that students have acquired at different stages in the learning process. The primary aim of assessment is to support and promote student learning as well as inform and improve teaching. It provides important data for both teachers and students to reflect upon as part of their self-evaluation. Assessment is managed through communication between students, teachers, and parents/guardians. Assessment at FIS is measurable, varied and authentic. It reflects the international mindedness of the school community in a meaningful and valid way.”

Our full Assessment Guide can be accessed below.

Assessment Policy - 3 programme