Grade 11 & 12 Privileges

Grade 11 and 12 students, for the sake of developing Self-Management skills, have some flexibility as to how time is used when they do not have classes.  Normally, this time is spend in designated areas in the school for self and group study, but in some instances students are allowed to leave campus.  At the beginning of each year, a form will sent to parents asking if they consent to their child being allowed to use these privileges.  That consent lasts the entire year, unless a new consent is required as a result of mis-use of privilege.  DP privileges are as follows:

Students may not leave the school in the middle of the day.

Students must sign in or out whenever leaving and returning to campus, using the designated form linked to the QR codes outside the IB Office and the main door

Students may leave and return during lunch hour.

Students may go home early if they do not have any more classes, including X block or they are required to attend an extra help session with one of their teachers.  

Students are expected to attend Homeroom in the morning, and may not arrive late, even if they do not have class during the first period.  

Students will lose privileges if any of the following occurs:

Should any of the above occur within a school year, students will be given one warning and the second violation will mean the student will lose privileges for one cycle.  However, in order for privileges to be re-instated, the parent must fill out a new consent form.