STEM Wheel EV3

Welcome to Robotics!

You will be assigned a robot kit that you will SHARE with your assigned partner. You will not always have the same partner. I will assign different partners several times during the trimester. With your partner, you will:

Traffic jam and Swing 2.MOV

Here is an example of a successful multimission from the 2019-20 challenge board.

Traffic Jam and Swing

Logging in to Computers

1. You and your partner will be writing programs together which will be stored on the computer under one person's account. 

2. Choose ONE partner to be the "login" person who will log in every day.

3. Log in with your normal credentials: lunch number and 4-digit password two times.

4. PLEASE choose "log off" or "sign out" on the computers when you are finished. Choosing other options can create problems for people who log in after you. If you don't remember how to log off when using the PC's, please ask.

5. When you first log in, go to my website through the Bear Valley website. Bookmark my website so that it appears on your bookmarks bar.

EV3 Parts Identification

The first thing you and your partner will learn together will be the parts of your kit. You will not be expected to memorize every part, but you will need to know the names of the most commonly used parts. This will be important when you are designing and building.  If you or someone else is in need of a piece and they don't know what to call it, they can't ask for it.

EV3 Parts Identification (ALL PARTS).   With your partner, go through the parts list and compare the parts to what you see in your kit. 

Parts that are on the QUIZ  You and your partner will QUIZ each other. Have one partner hold up a part and have the other partner try to remember the name. Take turns.

This link will take you to a page that describes how to do the "Getting Started Programs" assignment.

This link will take you to a page that describes the main programming blocks you used in the "Getting Started" section.

P_R_Ultrasonic and related assigned programs

This link will take you to a page that shows how to delete extra programs from your computer. 

NOTE! If you delete them from the computer, they are gone forever. You cannot get them back from the brick tot he computer, so be sure you want to delete them.

NOTE!! - Do not use Bluetooth. Instead, when the "connect via Bluetooth" page comes up, go to the upper, right and select the choice to CONNECT VIA USB CABLE.

NOTE!! - When using pink MOVEMENT blocks, the default motors are B and C

Planning Your Own Program - Challenge Board Missions

1. Plan HOW your robot will interact with the model on the challenge board. Create an attachment to allow the robot to successfully interact.

2. Plan the pathway the robot will take to reach the model.

a.  Determine the exact starting point of your robot in the home base. Specify a point on the grid using a number and a letter. Specify what exact part of the robot will be aligned with this point. Specify which direction the robot will be facing.

b.  From that starting point, determine what lengths the robot will travel and what turns it will make. You can use the port view function to find what distances you need to program into your move blocks.

3. Create your program on the computer using your plans and measurements. 

Use "Port View" to measure distances.

Using the Port View allows you to move your robot by hand and see how far it travels. You can then type this information into your move blocks to have the robot copy the move you made it do by hand.

aa using a jig observatory.MOV

Using a jig to align a robot in home base can save time.

aa multimission observatory food production.MOV

Missions can be linked together in "multimissions" to save time.

Basic Line Follower

EV3 Kit Re-Assembly Checklist.docx
EV3 Kit Re-Assembly Checklist.docx
EV3 Tail to Replace Ball Bearing

Video - EV3 Tail to Replace Ball Bearing

You will need to replace the ball bearing in the back of the driving base. View this short clip to see how. The pieces on the side that are cut-off in the video frame are four three-module beams.