How to Program a Challenge Board Mission

You will need to do several missions with your robot over the next few weeks.

All missions start on the orange triangles in the challenge board launch areas.  All missions must have robot return to base to be complete.

Mission programs must be named:

P_R_ (name of mission)

Missions must run three times in a row, with partners taking turns running them in order to get 100%. The teacher has to see this happen.

When students are working on missions, they are allowed to be 

They are NOT to be playing around, waiting without watching what is happening on the challenge board, wandering.

1. Decide how your robot will interact with the model you have chosen. This is an important firs step because you need to begin with the end in mind. You will need to know exactly where your robot should be in relation to the model it will interact with.

2. Know your start position.

You will need to set up your robot exactly the same every time.

Set the tail directly on top of the triangle in the launch area. 

Put a straight axle in your tail to help  you align the robot. 

The axle should be parallel to the lines on the grid.

Now, CLOSE ONE EYE and look over the top of the robot at the lines on the table in front of it.

The front edge of the brick should be parallel with the gridlines on the table.

 This image shows how the robot SHOULD  be aligned. 

The red line is the front edge of the brick.

That line should be parallel to the lines on the grid.

In this picture, you can see that the lines are not parallel. 

The distance between the red line and the black line is different on the left than it is on the right. 

This robot is not lined up straight and its mission will fail.

3. Plan your path from your start position to the desired position in relation to the model

a. Use port view to measure your first move. 

b. Program that move and download it.

c. Play that move three times on the challenge board to make sure it is doing what you want it to.

d. If it is not going tot he point you want it to, adjust it and try again.

e. If it is going to the point you want it to, use port view to measure your next move.

f. Add that move to your program and download it. 

g. Try it on the challenge board three times (as above).


In this video are all the challenge board missions for this year* . The point values in this video are NOT the point values they will earn in class. The point values are for competition purposes only. In class, each mission has the same value. In order to get full credit for a mission, you and your partner must operate the mission successfully three times in a row while taking turns setting it up and running it. The teacher has to see this happen.

*Almost all, but not all of the missions in the video are available for doing in class.

If you would like some inspiration, click the button above to view some successful missions from previous years.