EV3 Robot Trainer

For this unit, you will follow complete the following tutorials in the "Robot Trainer" unit.

For each tutorial, you will:

Follow the steps below to learn how to proceed.

From the START page, choose UNITS

On the UNIT PLANS page, you will choose and click on ROBOT TRAINER.

Click the START button for "Moves and Turns".

You will need to READ and FOLLOW all directions.  Advance through the steps using the blue, right-facing arrows.

Step 02 is the only step you may skip since you have already built the driving base. However, for some challenges, there may be some additional items you need to build, so watch for them.

Be sure to read the instructions and do what they say.  On step 03, you will need to try out all the program stacks that are provided. Run them each a number of times and watch the robot's actions. This will help you understand how the program works.

On step 04, you will use the provided programming blocks to try out some different things. In this case, it asks that you get the robot to move in different ways. This will help you learn how you can control the robot and get it to do different things that you want it to do - not just random things.

Once you have spent some time working with the programming blocks, you will be asked to program your robot to do a specific task. This task will be described in step 05. You will show this to the teacher for credit. It will need to be properly named in order to count.

When you have completed your challenge in step 05, you will need to show it to the teacher.  If she is not available, you will move on to the next challenge. To do this, you will click the "home" icon in the upper, left corner.

xxAgain, choose UNITS, and then ROBOT TRAINER

This time, you will choose the next challenge on the list, "Objects and Obstacles."

You will need to show your Step 05 re-named program for each challenge to the teacher. Try to show them as soon as you get them done, but if she is not available at that time, work ahead each of the challenges.

The challenges are: