ShopBot - CNC

This link leads to a slide deck for ShopBot CNC Mentors. It is important for ShopBot Mentors to review this slide deck to make their transition into mentoring as smooth as possible.

This link will take you to the ShopBot CNC Student Checklist

Our ShopBot machine is a CNC machine. CNC stands for Computer Numeric Control. This is the same system on which 3D printers operate. The difference is that 3D printers are additive and the ShopBot is subtractive. 3D printers add layers to build an object. The ShopBot gradually carves out layers to create a carved object.

As a ShopBot apprentice, you will first learn how to design a simple sign. Then, you will learn how to have that design carved into a piece of wood. Finally, you will do the finish work of painting and finish coating your sign. The first sign you create will be a teacher sign. You will need to successfully create two teacher signs - one under the close supervisioin of your mentor, the second onewith less supervision. After you have successfully created two teacher signs, you will be able to create a personal sign of your choice that you can keep.


STEP 1: Receive a TEACHER NAME from Ms. Vogel. 

View the slide decks below and  design your first sign using that teacher name.

Using the slide deck below, save the toolpaths of your sign to the ShopBot flash drive.

Designing a Sign Legacy Project - Mateo, Nora, Megan
CNC TEACHER SIGN legacy 1617archive
How to save toolpaths onto a Flashdrive- legacy project Mateo, Nora, Megan
CNC/ Woodshop/ShopBot Legacy Project Mateo, Nora, Megan

STEP 2: Learn how to set the Z-height and how to change the bit on the ShopBot

STEP 3: Take the QUIZ about changing the bit.

STEP 4: Show Ms. Vogel that you can change the bit.

Copy of 3flp19racheltatum
How to change the bit on the CNC machine. Legacy Project - Mateo, Nora, Megan

STEP 5: Learn how to set the origin  on the ShopBot.

Before you cut a sign, you have to make sure that the piece of wood that you put on the ShopBot matches the dimensions in your file. 

You also need to make sure that the origin on the ShopBot is aligned to the origin on your piece of wood. 

Once you learn how to do this, you should be able to cut your sign.


ShopBot - Setting Origin and Cutting Accurately LP2023-CharlesB

STEP 6: Seal and mask you wood prior to cutting.

It will be important to seal and mask your wood before cutting in order to achieve a beautiful (and easy) paint job at the end. View the video below for the steps involved. You will need to receive instruction on how to apply the clear coat as well as the masking. However, DO view the video first so that you understand what the steps will be and why they are necessary.

STEP 7: Review slide deck "How to cut your sign in shopbot 3.5" 

2022 How to Use the ShopBot


5/2/23 - As per email from ShopBot Sat, April 29, 2023

In the event that you must hit the big RED button to shut off the ShopBot, you will need to re-set the switch tot get the machine moving again.

Perform a reset.

Check that the red button is pushed in and in the down position. (Yes, counterintuitive, but it is what is working for us.)

In SB3, go to Utilities > Reset Default Settings and click OK twice to pull up the file explorer. 

For your machine, you'll want to choose the Older ShopBots folder, then PRT Standard machines, and select your Benchtop model. [We choose 48x48]

Once reset, you should see your speed values change and you should be able to move the machine around. 

STEP 8: You will need to sand an paint your sign. Before beginning, you will need to view the following slide decks: 

What Happens After you have cut your Sign?

Sanding and Painting Teacher Signs.

How to use the dremel and change its bit.

What Happens After you have cut your sign Legacy 1617archive
Copy of 1718 Legacy Sanding and Painting Teacher Signs by Rachel Orf and Tatum Tuin
Copy of 1718 Legacy... How to use Dremel and change it's bit.

STEP 9: Get checked out on the dremel.

STEP 10: Seal cut areas of sign.

STEP 11: Learn care of brushes and complete the student handout.

Paintbrush care.docx

After reading the article "Paintbrush Care" , complete the corresponding student handout.

STEP 12: Paint your sign!