Research Project Resources

The big problems of sustainability are often challenging to solve because there are groups or individuals who get a benefit from the problem they are creating. These groups or individuals would feel negative impacts if the problem was solved or during the process of solving or mitigating the problem. They may lose money or power.  They may even be put out of business. Often, when searching online, you may find articles that are biased to try to make the problem look less like a problem. Sometimes you find articles that just have wrong information in them because they were poorly researched. Either way, when you are researching information about a problem you want to solve, it is critical that you get good, reliable information from trustworthy sources.  Click on the link/button above to get tips on how to avoid bias and find good information.

Your team is large and is working on a detailed project. Communication and organization will be critical.  You will be using a spreadsheet to keep track of all your research. Click the link above to wee what the "Innovation Research Organization Sheet" will look like.

The link above shows an example of a team's research work using the spreadsheet. Notice that it is not just a place to store information, but a tool for team communication.

This is the sheet I will use for scoring when I am watching presentations.

Remember to include citations.

Citations are mentioned in the scoring sheet, but you do not want to wait until the end to remember to include them. At that point, you may have difficulty remembering what information came from which source.

Whenever you provide facts or data or share ideas that are not your own, you need to give credit tot he source.