23-24 October/November Agendas

11/27 Monday

Challenge Board

A and D

Y and Z

Other teams research

11/28 Tuesday

Challenge board

B and C

W and X

Other teams research

11/29 Wed

Challenge Board

A and D

Y and Z

Other teams research

11/30 Thu

Challenge board

B and C

W and X

Other teams research

12/01 Fri


11/13- 11/17 Team directed with Practice Rounds

Important upcoming dates:

Monday 11/13:  Team-dierected


Wednesday 11/15:  Challenge board   B and C      W and X

All other teams will work on research. Be prepared to discuss EXACTLY what it is you are working on as I will be checking in with individuals.

Thursday 11/16: Challenge board   A and D      Y and Z

All other teams will work on research. Be prepared to discuss EXACTLY what it is you are working on as I will be checking in with individuals.

Friday 11/17: Minimum Day. - All teams will focus on research.

11/6 - 11/9  Team directed with Practice Rounds

Important upcoming dates:

Monday 11/6: I will run timed rounds for practice. Make sure bots are charged. This is NOT your final grade. This is for the purpose of troubleshooting and improving performance.

Tuesday 11/7: Team-directed. It is suggested that you use the videos and notes from Monday to determine strategy for Tuesday

Wednesday 11/8: PRACTICE ROUNDS

Thursday 11/9: Team-directed. It is suggested that teams use experience from second practice round to plan future strategy.


10/30 - 11/3

Important upcoming dates:

Wednesday 11/1: Final Innovation Statement/Problem Statement due

Friday 11/3: Teams prepared for Practice Rounds - all programs on one bot, team plan for order of missions complete. Point people are directing team in practice rounds.

Monday 11/6: I will run timed rounds for practice. Make sure bots are charged. This is NOT your final grade. This is for the purpose of troubleshooting and improving performance.

Teams are self-directed this week.

Teams determine goals for the week and daily goals. 

10/23 - 10/27

Teams are self-directed this week.

Teams determine goals for the week and daily goals. 

Point people: Check in regularly with team members and make sure tasks are equitably shared.

FRIDAY NOTE - By the end of the period MONDAY you should be able to tell me specifically the problem your team intends to solve/improve

FRIDAY 10/20/23 

Goal for WEEK:  .....                    ..... must be written BEFORE work begins.

Team chooses. It may be different for different team members, but teams must be in agreement as to how work is divided. It is HIGHLY recommended that at least some team members engage in a deep dive of research into how their topic problem is currently being addressed.

Goal for DAY:   ......                            ........... must be written BEFORE work begins.

Today, you will be directed to where the calendar is located in your spreadsheet. Use it.

FRIDAY 10/20/23 

Goal for DAY: Team Choice --  LOGS DUE TODAY!! 

You NEED to start practicing on the challenge board with the correct setup - that means "EXPERT" figures placed in their proper locations. They may become obstacles to you and you need to be prepared to deal with them.

Let me know if you are having trouble with finding any information. I will help you!!

In order to make something NEW or BETTER, you must have a deep understanding of what ALREADY exists and HOW it works

Thursday 10/19/23 

Goal for DAY: Team Choice

Let me know if you are having trouble with finding any information. I will help you!!

In order to make something NEW or BETTER, you must have a deep understanding of what ALREADY exists and HOW it works

WEDNESDAY 10/18/23 

Goal for DAY: Team Choice - keep in mind that many "Problem Statements" have not been completed.

TUESDAY 10/17/23 

Goals for WEEK: Reach consensus on specific research topic, write "Problem Statement"... and? - TEAM choice -- (so consult with your team.)

Goal for DAY: Write "Problem Statement"

As a team, clearly define the problem we wish to address Meet with your team Review the information you have found including the answers to any questions that were generated. Decide on a clear statement that defines the problem you wish to address for your innovation project. Example: Solar power does not work at night. Solar panels can often generate more power in the daytime than is needed, and that power is often wasted. Current methods of battery storage is expensive and requires mining of rare earth metals. We would like to find a better way to store energy from solar panels that does not get used in the daytime so that it can be used at night. 

MONDAY 10/16/23 

Goals for WEEK: Reach consensus on specific research topic, write "Problem Statement"... and? - TEAM choice -- (so consult with your team.)

Be sure to consider how much time you have.

You will have your team discussion regarding your topic, and you will construct your "Problem Statement".  After your problem statement is complete and approved, you will be able to choose your goals for the remainder of the week.

Goal: As a team, clearly define the problem we wish to address Meet with your team Review the information you have found including the answers to any questions that were generated. Decide on a clear statement that defines the problem you wish to address for your innovation project. Example: Solar power does not work at night. Solar panels can often generate more power in the daytime than is needed, and that power is often wasted. Current methods of battery storage is expensive and requires mining of rare earth metals. We would like to find a better way to store energy from solar panels that does not get used in the daytime so that it can be used at night. 

FRIDAY 10/13/23 

Goal for TODAY:  ?? Choice

-due to 8th grade assembly period 2, we were unable to have team discussions to decide reearch topics.

THURSDAY 10/12/23 

Goals for WEEK: Reach consensus on current robot tournament strategy and on specific research topic.

** Add extra spreadsheet rows to avoid erasures. 

Goal for TODAY:  ??

By the end of the period tomorrow, your team needs to determine your focus for your innovation project.

Think about what information you have so far and what questions you still need to answer before making this decision.

Team Points: You need to make sure that ALL topics are getting exposure to the team so that everyone's topic choice gets fair discussion in the final decision.

Things to do today: 

WEDNESDAY  10/11/23 

Goal for TODAY:   Have posted at least 4 thoughtful questions on teammates' articles. Answer questions directed toward your article(s).

The week before conferences, you were tasked with reading articles of teammates and posting questions. You should have read 2 articles and posted 3 questions for each that you read (along with your name). Many of you did that. However, if you don't already have at least 4, then you need to do that FIRST.

If you already have at least 4 questions posted, then you need to research answers to questions your teammates have posted on your articles. It is IMPORTANT to source your answers, so include a link to wherever you found the answer along with your answer.

TUESDAY 10/10/23 

Yesterday, you should have met with your team to make sure everyone knew what was expected for the robot tournament.

Goal for TODAY:   ??

Today, the goal is student directed. You need to create a goal based on yesterday's team meeting. Make sure it is S.M.A.R.T.

MONDAY 10/09/23 

Goals for WEEK: Reach consensus on current robot tournament strategy and on specific research topic.

Goal for TODAY: Meet with team to review scoring and agree on robot plan moving forward.


STAPLE new logs to old logs NOW.

Review resources for solid construction, and construction resources.

Review scoring.

Today, you need to meet with your team to review scoring for robot missions and review of shared plan.

1.All members need to share their progress toward completion of robot missions. 

2. All members will open team spreadsheet and fill in information regarding the missions for which they are responsible.

3. Team will discuss the shared plan for success on the challenge board. Point person must make sure that ALL members share opinions and ALL members are listening to each other.

4. Determine if adjustments must be made to the plan. Team must reach consensus on shared plan.

(Thursday and Friday are parent conferences)

WEDENSDAY 10/04/23 

You choose, but make it SMAR-- You have three days only this week.

Goal for TODAY:  ...

Logs due TODAY

TUESDAY 10/03/23

If you have not yet returned your conference sheet, please do so now.

Yesterday, you wrote a goal for the week. I don't know what it is, but YOU do. Look at that goal and think about what you think you can get done TODAY that is part of that goal.

You choose, but make it SMART.

Goal for TODAY: ??

Expectations: During class time, you are focused on your goal and working toward its completion. 

You are NOT, wasting time, wandering around. If you are not sure what you should be doing, consult with your partner and your team. In this class, there is NEVER, "I don't know what to do."

If someone asks you for help, the answer is always YES.

**Ask 3 before me**

MONDAY 10/02/23 

You choose, but make them SMAR-- You have three days only this week.

Goal for WEEK:

Goal for TODAY: