23-24 September Agendas

Add Headings and they will appear in your table of contents.

FRIDAY 09/29/23 

Goal for TODAY: --- You make a SMART goal for today.

Remember, you have to finish yesterday's programs if you did not finish them.

P_R_ Moves 64

Robot moves forward exactly 64 cm

P_R_back square

THURSDAY 09/28/23 

Goal for TODAY: Accurately measure pathways for programming. Program PR Move 64

We do not have the benefit of Port View the same way we had it with EV3's, therefore, we will be needing to measure distances with tape measures. However, Spike Primes do have a "cm" unit that you can use with the standard wheels

P_R_ Moves 64

Robot moves forward exactly 64 cm

P_R_back square

WEDNESDAY 09/27/23 

Goal for TODAY: Read at least two articles posted by your teammates. Post thoughtful questions for each article. 

Students will open the spreadsheet and spend 20 minutes reading at least two articles they have not yet read that have been supplied by their classmates. For each article, students will write at least three thoughtful questions that they feel would need to be answered in order to move forward with the information in the articles. These questions will be placed in the "Questions" column next to each article in the spreadsheet using the following format: Suzanne: It says that bitumen clay is used to plug caverns where radioactive waste is stored - why does clay work to block radiation? - what other materials would also work?

1. Open spreadsheet and find articles that your teammates have posted.

2. Choose two to read. 

3. As you read, think of what questions would need to be answered in order to make use of this information to ultimately find a solution to the problem.

 4. In the column to the right of the article, type your name and then type your questions. 

TUESDAY 09/26/23 

Goal for TODAY: Find and post ONE compelling articles on my topic to the team Research Google Sheet.

See Topic Narrowing Activity for Team Research in GClassroom

NOTE: Post Google Sheets to GClassroom for students to add their articles

MONDAY 09/25/23 

Goal for WEEK:

Identify quality sources of information. Provide evidence that YOUR topic is worthy for research. Consider evidence of teammates. Complete PR Move 64 and PR Back Square Programs.

Goal for TODAY: Identify the difference between biased or misleading claims and reliable information.

** NOTES: 

New project log format. Same log, hopefully more user friendly,

Check Project Logs Do's and Don'ts

You will complete two EdPuzzles about the topic of reliable information.

If you finish the EdPuzzles early, you may seek information on your personal research topic since you will be needing to do that tomorrow so you can use it to finalize your pitch to your team.

FRIDAY 09/22/23 

Goal for TODAY???

TODAY, you have some options and you will need to determine a SMART goal that makes sense for you and your team.

THURSDAY 09/21/23 

Goal for TODAY???

TODAY, you have some options and you will need to determine a SMART goal that makes sense for you and your team.

WEDNESDAY  09/20/23 

Goal for TODAY???

TODAY, you have some options and you will need to determine a SMART goal that makes sense for you and your team.

Some ideas:

Study my mission model (3) and design the interface.

Design a motorized attachment for my robot to flip the left Mission 6 lever

Modify the front of my robot to be flat so it can push evenly on Mission 6.

Design a wedge shaped attachment to push on Mission 2

TUESDAY 09/19/23 

Goal for TODAY: Team agrees on division of missions. Identify my first mission.

MONDAY 09/18/23 

Goal for the WEEK: Identify a mission, create a plan, determine interaction and/or pathway.

Goal for TODAY: Clarify questions about project logs, be able to describe all missions.

Today we will review project logs. Make sure that your goals are SMART goals and that your daily entries are SPECIFIC and MEASURABLE - as in, I can tell HOW YOU SPENT YOUR TIME and WHAT YOU GOT DONE that day.


"worked on"

"started on"

"got some done.", etc.


"researched" without telling what you found or at least the subtopic or information you were seeking.

FRIDAY 09/15/23 

Goal for TODAY: Complete both Spike Prime EdPuzzles with score of 100%, complete challenge board.

If you get 100% on your first attempt, you will get 100% for your score.

If you get 100% on your second attempt, you get 85% (B), third attempt 75% (C) and so on.

You must get 100% on both in order to get credit at all.

We are NOT doing the back of the log this week. Your Log is due TODAY. 

If you get an A on this week's log, last week's log will be a 100%, no matter what scoreyou actually got last week.

THURSDAY 09/14/23 

Goal for TODAY: Meet with team. Pitch ALL ideas. Be able to describe the topics researched by teammates.

**NOTE: Being able to DESCRIBE topics is not the same as simply NAMING topics.


WEDNESDAY  09/13/23 

Goal for TODAY: Gather enough information about my topic to pitch it to my team. * I will confidently answer questions about my topic.


The goal is not to "fill in the paper". The goal is to gather enough information to make your topic interesting to your team. If you don't have compelling and detailed information about the problem you are researching, you won't be able to get others interested in it. If you can answer questions about it, when people ask "why" and "what about..." questions regarding your topic, then you likely have enough information to pitch it.

TUESDAY 09/12/23 

Goal for TODAY: Thoroughly research your topic on your Sustainability Topic Research Exploration sheet.


Do a thorough job of researching your topic today. 

Think about how a five-year-old will continually ask "Why?" after every answer you give. Whenever you find an item of information, ask again, "Why?" and then find the answer. Then ask, "Why?" again.

The idea is to get as much information about the topic as you can so that you can so that you can share it with your team at your meeting. Since they did not research the same topic as you, they will have a lot of questions. You will need to have answers. You chose a topic that is interesting to you. Now is your chance to pitch it to your team, so you have to make it interesting to THEM.

MONDAY 09/11/23 

GOAL for week:

Complete internet search on sustainability topic, meet with team to share ideas, continue internet research based on questions developed in team meeting.

Goal for TODAY: Complete sheet: Sustainability Topic Research Exploration

FRIDAY 09/08/23 Goal:

Creates, names, downloads, plays 1 program of choice with robot moving, sensors if possible.

Turn in first project log.

THURSDAY 09/07/23 Goal:

Review Spike Prime slide deck and get robot connected. Creates, names, downloads, plays 1 program of choice with robot moving, sensors if possible.

WEDNESDAY 09/06/23 Goal:

Study Spike Prime slide deck and get robot connected. Creates, names, downloads, plays 1 program of choice with robot moving, sensors if possible.

TUESDAY 09/05/23 Goal

Build base build of Spike Prime robot

MONDAY 09/04/23 


FRIDAY 09/01/23 Goal:

Write goals for next week in project log.

Receive kits for Spike Prime bots and begin assembly if there is time.

Next week’s goals (to be written on project log):

Assembles Spike Prime bot / base build. Individual creates, names, downloads, plays 1 program of choice with robot moving, sensors if possible. Complete one “SustainabilityTopic Research Exploration”