
What is Aquaponics?

Aquaponics is one possible solution to human problems of food instability, drought, agricultural pollution and climate change. 

It is the combination of aquaculture (the farming of fish) and hydroponics (soil-less farming) to grow both vegetables and fish for human consumption while using 90% less water than traditional farming methods.

For this project, you will:


Here is the Blue Line

Quarantine Aquaponics

Right after the school shutdown, I was able to access the classroom and retrieve the fish. They have been living in a bucket with the filter on the rim. 

I have had limited resources, but wanted to try setting up some aquaponics. 

I used a plastic water bottle, some rocks and some styrofoam to create a container for plants. I used some lettuce seeds, and it appears that they are sprouting!

The bottom is cut off the bottle and pushed upside-down into the top of the bottle. Slots are cut in the sides to allow water to flow through. Gravel is used to support the plant once it grows, and strip of paper towel was used to wick moisture up to the seeds that were placed at the top of the gravel on the towel. 

The styrofoam pieces keep the container afloat. I had to adjust the styrofoam so that the lower part of the gravel would be under the water level, and the upper gravel would be above.

I also cut flaps int he sides of the bottle that stick out and keep the bottle from slipping through the styrofoam.

You have to look really close to see the tiny sprouts. They are in the middle.  April 3

Sprouts Update April 8

4/3 Aquaponics Update

Today, we were allowed to access our classrooms for the last time during the shutdown. I went back to retrieve some things including the fish tank. The plants had definitely grown and I will be moving them home. 

April 15 - Here is the squash seed planted in the experimental design created by the period 3 aquaponics team. I would say it is definitely working. That is one sturdy squash sprout!

April 8 - plants are doing okay in the garage. Light is not as good as it was near the classroom window, but they are staying alive.