Building the Driving Base

Build the Driving Base

NOTE: You will be using "Communication cards" to communicate with the people with whom you share the kit in other classes. You will need to tell them what step you left off on so they know where to pick up where you left off.

Be clear, courteous and professional in all of your communications.

2. Click where it says "BUILD"

2.    Click on the Driving Base


If you have no building instructions:

A. Go to "Home"

B. Click on Unit Plans

C. Double click on "Robot Trainer" DOWNLOAD (top left)

Once that downloads, you can click on "BUILD" again and it should work.

3.  This is the first page of the build instructions for the driving base.  It shows you what you should have when you are finished building. 

On the far right, there is a little arrow that you will click to go to the next page, one-by-one.  If you need to click forward through many pages , you can use the blue dot at the bottom. If you slide it to the right, it will go forward through the pages more quickly.

4. You don't have to do any reading  in order to follow the instructions. This is step 1.  In the upper left corner, you see a box with a gray border that tells you what you need for that step: From the picture, you can see that you need one (1x) large motor and one (1x) long connector peg. 

To the right and below, it shows you how to put those pieces together to complete the step. 

5. In the top picture here, the blue number in the circle is telling you which SIZE axle you need.

In the picture below, the 2x means you need TWO of those pieces

IMPORTANT NOTE: When you get to step #22 there will be a change. You will not be using the gray piece that holds a ball bearing - shown in step 26, You will be using an angled module beam instead.  The instructions to build it are below in the short video clip.

When you get to STEP 22 use the VIDEO BELOW.

Then, RETURN to the regular instructions at STEP 32.

EV3 Tail to Replace Ball Bearing

Video - EV3 Tail to Replace Ball Bearing

You will need to replace the ball bearing in the back of the driving base. View this short clip to see how. The pieces on the side that are cut-off in the video frame are four three-module beams.

Super Important!!! 

Do NOT EVER take your robot apart without checking with me first. Sometimes students don't understand the instructions and think they have done something wrong. They take things apart to start over, when in fact there was not really a problem. If you think something is wrong, check with me first. Okay? :)